Gutza / octave-daemon

The PHP network daemon for GNU Octave
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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PHP Fatal error:can you help me? #7

Open xuyifu opened 8 years ago

xuyifu commented 8 years ago

[root@VM_42_179_centos ~]# cd octave-daemon-1.0.1/ [root@VM_42_179_centos octave-daemon-1.0.1]# cd install [root@VM_42_179_centos install]# sudo php install Octave daemon now available in /usr/bin/octave-daemon Installation successful. You can start the daemon with service octave-daemon start [root@VM_42_179_centos install]# octave-daemon PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Octave-daemon requires POSIX functions; please see' in /usr/bin/octave-daemon:32 Stack trace:

0 {main}

thrown in /usr/bin/octave-daemon on line 32

Gutza commented 8 years ago

You have to enable POSIX functions in php; just follow that link and look it up.

Gutza commented 8 years ago

The very last error, when you open client_test.php, is a legitimate path issue, you shouldn't see "/home/bogdan" there (that's my own path, I probably left it there by mistake). But that's just a test, it shouldn't affect you. For the docstring issue, please use Google, I don't know by heart:

xuyifu commented 8 years ago

THX!!!I will learn to google it and fix problem / You are a really nice guy !