Open torture123 opened 2 months ago
leftBrain = torch.tensor([ 6., 5., 55., 1., 98., 71., 73., 77., 63., 96., 79., 15.,
104., 4., 25., 23., 41., 43., 45., 17., 61., 65., 59., 57.,
86., 21., 35., 37., 39., 94., 110., 3., 69., 81., 84., 100.,
102., 106., 47., 27., 75., 2., 67., 19., 49., 31., 33., 108.,
51., 53., 88., 90., 92., 29., 0.])
rightBrain = torch.tensor([ 13., 12., 54., 8., 97., 70., 72., 76., 62., 95., 78., 14.,
103., 11., 24., 22., 40., 42., 44., 16., 60., 64., 58., 56.,
85., 20., 34., 36., 38., 93., 109., 10., 68., 80., 83., 99.,
101., 105., 46., 26., 74., 9., 66., 18., 48., 30., 32., 107.,
50., 52., 87., 89., 91., 28., 7.])
Thank you very much for your sharing. Could you please tell me how this is defined, and what error I get when I run it?Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\FC-HGNN\", line 126, in
@sws827767542 同样的报错,您有解决么
@sws827767542 同样的报错,您有解决么
The torch and pyg versions used in my lab are older, so the function that extracts subgraphs in has been updated, and its input and output may have changed. new_left_edges,new_left_edge_attr = subgraph(subset=leftBrain.type(torch.long),edge_index=edges,edge_attr=edge_attr) This is actually a process for extracting subgraphs. If subgraph doesn't work in your environment, I still believe it can be done easily in many ways.