GuyTeichman / RNAlysis

Analyze your RNA sequencing data without writing a single line of code
MIT License
129 stars 13 forks source link

No such file or directory: latest_version.txt #25

Closed NeuroRookie closed 1 year ago

NeuroRookie commented 1 year ago

When I run the gui, it turned out the error mentioned below:

from rnalysis import gui gui.run_gui() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "C:\Users\LY_N.conda\envs\rnaseq\lib\site-packages\rnalysis\", line 8, in run_gui main() File "C:\Users\LY_N.conda\envs\rnaseq\lib\site-packages\rnalysis\gui\", line 8, in main File "C:\Users\LY_N.conda\envs\rnaseq\lib\asyncio\", line 44, in run return loop.run_until_complete(main) File "C:\Users\LY_N.conda\envs\rnaseq\lib\asyncio\", line 649, in run_until_complete return future.result() File "C:\Users\LY_N.conda\envs\rnaseq\lib\site-packages\rnalysis\gui\", line 4337, in run if io.check_changed_version(): File "C:\Users\LY_N.conda\envs\rnaseq\lib\site-packages\rnalysis\utils\", line 162, in check_changed_version with open(filename, 'w') as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users\LY_N\AppData\Roaming\RNAlysis\RNAlysis\latest_version.txt'

GuyTeichman commented 1 year ago

Hi NeuroRookie, Thanks for spotting this bug! It should be fixed in the next release of RNAlysis within a couple of days.

In the meantime, to be able to run RNAlysis on your machine, please create the following directory on your computer: C:\Users\LY_N\AppData\Roaming\RNAlysis\RNAlysis (Go to the folderC:\Users\LY_N\AppData\Roaming, create a folder called RNAlysis, enter that folder, and create inside it another folder called RNAlysis). You should then be able to open RNAlysis and run it normally.

Please let me know if that works for you, and if it doesn't then we will figure out another solution.

Best, Guy.

NeuroRookie commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot! It is able to run now, but it tells me: The RNAlysis "reports" module is not installed.

GuyTeichman commented 1 year ago

Hi, Did you install RNAlysis using pip, or are you using the stand-alone app?

NeuroRookie commented 1 year ago

Hi,I installed it using pip in a virtual envs. And I reinstalled it just now, but it still reported error. The packages are as follows:

| Name                  | Version   | Build        | Channel |
| aiodns                | 3.0.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| aiohttp               | 3.8.4     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| aiolimiter            | 1.1.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| aiosignal             | 1.3.1     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| appdirs               | 1.4.4     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| async-timeout         | 4.0.2     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| attrs                 | 23.1.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| bottleneck            | 1.3.7     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| brotli                | 1.0.9     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| bzip2                 | 1.0.8     | he774522_0   |         |
| ca-certificates       | 2023.01.10| haa95532_0   |         |
| certifi               | 2023.5.7  | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| cffi                  | 1.15.1    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| charset-normalizer    | 3.1.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| colorama              | 0.4.6     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| contourpy             | 1.0.7     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| cycler                | 0.11.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| defusedxml            | 0.7.1     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| fonttools             | 4.39.4    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| frozenlist            | 1.3.3     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| grid-strategy         | 0.0.1     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| idna                  | 3.4       | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| joblib                | 1.2.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| kiwisolver            | 1.4.4     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| libffi                | 3.4.4     | hd77b12b_0   |         |
| llvmlite              | 0.40.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| matplotlib            | 3.7.1     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| matplotlib-venn       | 0.11.9    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| multidict             | 6.0.4     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| numba                 | 0.57.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| numexpr               | 2.8.4     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| numpy                 | 1.24.3    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| openssl               | 1.1.1t    | h2bbff1b_0   |         |
| packaging             | 23.1      | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pairwisedist          | 1.3.1     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pandas                | 2.0.2     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| patsy                 | 0.5.3     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pillow                | 9.5.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pip                   | 23.0.1    | py311haa95532_0 |       |
| pycares               | 4.3.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pycparser             | 2.21      | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pyparsing             | 3.0.9     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pyqt5                 | 5.15.9    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pyqt5-qt5             | 5.15.2    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pyqt5-sip             | 12.12.1   | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| python                | 3.11.0    | h966fe2a_3   |         |
| python-dateutil       | 2.8.2     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| python-graphviz       | 0.20.1    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pytz                  | 2023.3    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| pyyaml                | 6.0       | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| qdarkstyle            | 3.1       | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| qtpy                  | 2.3.1     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| requests              | 2.31.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| rnalysis              | 3.8.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| scikit-learn          | 1.2.2     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| scikit-learn-extra    | 0.3.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| scipy                 | 1.10.1    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| seaborn               | 0.12.2    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| setuptools            | 67.8.0    | py311haa95532_0 |       |
| six                   | 1.16.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| sqlite                | 3.41.2    | h2bbff1b_0   |         |
| statsmodels           | 0.14.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| threadpoolctl         | 3.1.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| tk                    | 8.6.12    | h2bbff1b_0   |         |
| tqdm                  | 4.65.0    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| typing-extensions     | 4.6.3     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| tzdata                | 2023.3    | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| upsetplot             | 0.8.0     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| urllib3               | 2.0.3     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| vc                    | 14.2      | h21ff451_1   |         |
| vs2015_runtime        | 14.27.29016 | h5e58377_2  |         |
| wheel                 | 0.38.4    | py311haa95532_0 |       |
| xz                    | 5.4.2     | h8cc25b3_0   |         |
| yarl                  | 1.9.2     | pypi_0       | pypi    |
| zlib                  | 1.2.13    | h8cc25b3_0   |         |
GuyTeichman commented 1 year ago

Hi, is it possible that you installed RNAlysis using the command pip install RNAlysis, instead of pip install RNAlysis[all]? The command pip install RNAlysis installs only the basic features of RNAlysis, without any of the optional features (which can sometimes cause issues for some people).

Please try re-installing RNAlysis and let me know if that works.

NeuroRookie commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks a lot! It works well now.