GwtMaterialDesign / gwt-material-archetype

Archetype for a basic GWT Material Design project
Apache License 2.0
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Tutorial for a real MVP application #15

Open Magallo opened 7 years ago

Magallo commented 7 years ago

Hi, I was able following the video GWT Material #1 - Project Setup and adapting a little bit stuff to use latest 2.0-rc5 version, to set up and run this demo. However what I would like to do is, starting from here, build up a real application. I know you have a lot of examples like gwt-material-demo and gwt-material-patterns but unfortunately I am not able to startup them. If I import them inside eclipse then I don't know how to setup and run them in Eclipse IDE. I receive lots of errors and the build process doesn't work. What I would really like was, starting from this archetype, which represent a basic skeleton, have a tutorial to build a real application with views, presenters, and so on. Just a sort of tutorial to understand how you structured the gwt-material-demo for example. With the menu and main slots concepts, understand how to add views and menu items so that every time you click on a item in the menu, a view is loaded as main content and so on. GWT Material #1 - Project Setup video tutorial and also the others just explain how to build the UI but not how to build the logic of the application. Could you possibly evaluate the possibility to realize a tutorial for this? Thanks.

kevzlou7979 commented 7 years ago

There are plenty of examples / videos about GWTP tutorial you can try and wire up GMD into it.

Magallo commented 7 years ago

Hi! I am continuing having problems with the GWTP part of yuor archetype. There is something I do not understand regarding the views/tokens under the hood. If I donwload and run your archetype following the istructions of your youtube video, I am able to obtain a project, import it into Eclipse and then run it in the browser. What is no clear to me is why the content showed in the browser is the one present in ApplicationView.ui.xml while I expected to see the content of HomeView.ui.xml.

I tried to do some experiments and I am not able in any way to switch between views. If I create a new Module/Presenter/View and I try to navigate there, the browser change the url adding the token properly but the content of the page is not updated i.e. it does not navigate in the new page but it still remains inside ApplicatioView.

Then I tried to download the archetype from GWTP site (, I imported it into Eclipse and I run it. In this case the web page shows the content of HomeView.ui.xml instead of ApplicationView.ui.xml as expected. What is the difference between your archetype and the archetype of GWTP so that yours does not properly go to HomeView.ui.xml? Plese help. I'm very interested in your work but this obstacle is makeing me some troubles. Cheers.