GwtMaterialDesign / gwt-material

A Google Material Design wrapper for GWT
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Badge inside Icon Link dosn't display correct #377

Open masterdany88 opened 8 years ago

masterdany88 commented 8 years ago

I would like to add badges to icon in my MaterialSideProfile' row. But when I paste badge like follow:

<m:MaterialLink ui:field="icoNoty" iconType="NOTIFICATIONS" marginLeft="10" waves="DEFAULT"><m:MaterialBadge text="2" backgroundColor="pink" textColor="white" circle="true"/></m:MaterialLink> in row there is only mess: image image

Without this icon the view is ok: image But I would like to get it look like it is in example:!badges image


Here is my uibinder code for this:

<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
        ui:field="profilePanel" >
        <m:MaterialImage ui:field="profileImage" url=""  />
        <m:MaterialRow float="RIGHT" textColor="white">
            <!-- <m:MaterialLink ui:field="icoNoty" iconType="NOTIFICATIONS" marginLeft="10" waves="DEFAULT"/> -->
            <!-- <m:MaterialLink ui:field="icoNoty" iconType="NOTIFICATIONS" marginLeft="10" waves="DEFAULT"><m:MaterialBadge text="2" backgroundColor="pink" textColor="white" circle="true"/></m:MaterialLink> -->
            <m:MaterialIcon ui:field="icoNoty" iconType="NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE" marginLeft="10" waves="DEFAULT"/>
            <m:MaterialIcon ui:field="icoMessage" iconType="MESSAGE" marginLeft="10" waves="DEFAULT"/>
            <m:MaterialIcon ui:field="icoLogout" iconType="EXIT_TO_APP" marginLeft="10" waves="DEFAULT"/>
        <m:MaterialLabel text="User name" textColor="white"/>
        <m:MaterialLink text=""
            activates="" iconType="ACCOUNT_CIRCLE" iconPosition="RIGHT"
            textColor="white" waves="DEFAULT" />


To see my problem uncomment ui:field="iconNoty" as a link or icon.

kevzlou7979 commented 8 years ago

You can play with the icons and links by changing its layoutPosition I think the Link must be RELATIVE and the icons are absolute. And by changing the icon's position left ``` , right ``` etc. it will solve the problem.

BenDol commented 8 years ago

This an issue on our end?

masterdany88 commented 8 years ago

Yes. This is still an issue with gmd.