H-uru / Plasma

Cyan Worlds's Plasma game engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incorrect camera angle sometimes when linking into water Ahnonay #1510

Open dgelessus opened 9 months ago

dgelessus commented 9 months ago

Sometimes when I link into water Ahnonay, the camera is positioned directly above the avatar and looks straight down. It stays that way until I go into the water or jump in place - then the camera reverts to normal.

Ahnonay screenshot, camera looking straight down at the avatar

This has been happening for me for a while now, using an up-to-date H'uru client and moul-assets data files. It has occurred multiple times, but not very often, and I can't reproduce it reliably. I also have no idea whether this is an engine/script bug or a problem in the PRPs.

So far it has only happened if I haven't linked to Ahnonay yet during the current run of the client and server - but that might just be a coincidence, because I restart things a lot while testing code changes.