H-uru / Plasma

Cyan Worlds's Plasma game engine
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PlasmaMax & WSL crash on open file dialog #1531

Open dpogue opened 7 months ago

dpogue commented 7 months ago

Reported by Semjay in the OU Discord: https://discord.com/channels/282045216221822978/282046743338811392/1179074885029482548

This is probably happening in Max 8, but we should see if it affects newer versions too.

Max crash when trying to select any sound file. This is due to an interaction between Max, common dialogs and the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

We came up with two possible fixes: a.) By disabling WSL or b.) Adding a line to plAudioComponents.cpp line 1027 ofn.flagsEx = OFN_Ex_NOPLACESBAR;

This prevents the left hand panel on the dialog box showing, which stops WSL starting up and crashing Max. We chose to do this.

jfmherokiller commented 7 months ago

the question tho is if we should just disable that bar by default or have some way of detecting it/adding some kind of setting for the user to disable it if crashing does occur.

dpogue commented 7 months ago

the question tho is if we should just disable that bar by default or have some way of detecting it/adding some kind of setting for the user to disable it if crashing does occur.

Disabling it entirely is a good quick fix. It's also worth looking for other spots that try to show an open file dialog and see if they are affected.

Of potential note, this is using the older GetOpenFileName API and there's a newer thing that was introduced in Vista: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/common-file-dialog

jfmherokiller commented 7 months ago

also can confirm that 2023 and 2024 use the same cmake hints

jfmherokiller commented 7 months ago

for the sake of documentation this is the places bar image

and while disabling would be a quick and easy fix. it would also affect all other versions of the plugin unless we possibly constrain it with a MAX_VERSION_MAJOR or other check.

jfmherokiller commented 7 months ago

for documentation sake it seems 3ds max 8 has these as the version numbers


Deledrius commented 7 months ago

Generally (although not always) the versions being checked are commented in MaxCompat: https://github.com/H-uru/Plasma/blob/master/Sources/Tools/MaxMain/MaxCompat.h

jfmherokiller commented 7 months ago

in combination with the max ifdef I also made this function to check if wsl is installed

bool CheckIfWslInstalled() {
    auto verinfo = hsGetWindowsVersion();
    auto Is10OrAbove = verinfo.dwMajorVersion >= 10;
    DWORD fileAttributes = GetFileAttributesA("wsl.exe");
    bool DoesWslExist = (fileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && !(fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY));
    return Is10OrAbove && DoesWslExist;
Hoikas commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but any time I try to expand the "Save in" in any open or save file dialog in 3ds Max 7 and 8 on Windows 11, I get a crash in a worker thread with the following backtrace:

    KernelBase.dll!_RaiseException@16() Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!__CxxThrowException@8()    Unknown
>   p9np.dll!wil::details::ThrowResultExceptionInternal(struct wil::FailureInfo const &)    Unknown
    p9np.dll!wil::ThrowResultException(struct wil::FailureInfo const &) Unknown
    p9np.dll!wil::details::ReportFailure_NoReturn<0>(void *,unsigned int,char const *,char const *,char const *,void *,struct wil::details::ResultStatus const &,unsigned short const *,enum wil::details::ReportFailureOptions)    Unknown
    p9np.dll!wil::details::ReportFailure_Base<0,0>(void *,unsigned int,char const *,char const *,char const *,void *,struct wil::details::ResultStatus const &,unsigned short const *,enum wil::details::ReportFailureOptions)  Unknown
    p9np.dll!wil::details::ReportFailure_Hr<0>(void *,unsigned int,char const *,char const *,char const *,void *,long)  Unknown
    p9np.dll!wil::details::in1diag3::_Throw_Hr(void *,unsigned int,char const *,long)   Unknown
    p9np.dll!<lambda>(void)()   Unknown
    kernel32.dll!@BaseThreadInitThunk@12()  Unknown
    ntdll.dll!___RtlUserThreadStart@8() Unknown
    ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8()  Unknown

I can manually move up directory levels until I get to what should be "My Computer," which also crashes.

dpogue commented 4 months ago

hmm, p9np.dll is definitely related to WSL stuff

dgelessus commented 4 months ago

Since it seems to be throwing an exception based on a HRESULT - can you see either the exception or the HRESULT code in the crash dump/debugger?

Hoikas commented 4 months ago

I tried to get the HRESULT from the debugger, but I was unable to see any details about the exception. This is probably more that I am not well versed in WinDbg than it not being possible.

Hoikas commented 4 months ago

I stumbled on https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4027#issuecomment-496628274 tonight when googling for errors in p9np.dll. The odd thing to me is that this crash is happening both on my host computer but also in a Windows 11 Hyper-V VM that I'm running. I went into regedit in the Windows 11 VM and removed P9NP from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order, and the crash no longer occurs on the virtual machine. I wonder if it would be worth opening an issue on microsoft/WSL about this?