H-uru / Plasma

Cyan Worlds's Plasma game engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rendering Regression in Options Menu #1571

Open Hoikas opened 4 months ago

Hoikas commented 4 months ago

There is a rendering regression in the options menu from the legacy client to our client. In the options menu, when an option is invalid, such as turning on EAX effects, the option is greyed out. The greying of the text is done by changing the foreground color of the text in Python. Greying out the checkbox is done by animating another greyed out box on top of the ordinary check box. At some point, this greyed out check box has either stopped rendering correctly or the responder controlling the animation has stopped firing as expected. I copied and pasted the GUI prps currently available on Minkata and see this on the audio options dialog:


This is the appearance using the same PRPs on Minkata:


This also affect disabled sliders, such as gamma and resolution(ie when running fullscreen on an 800x600 monitor).