H-uru / Plasma

Cyan Worlds's Plasma game engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GUI Lockup when Linking. #1589

Open Traveler263 opened 1 month ago

Traveler263 commented 1 month ago

Hi guys, it's time for a Calum did something the game never expected you to do moment, but I figured I'd raise the issue here as a general thing because I realized it's the same issue in other places as well.

If you are using a full screen GUI such as the full screen KI or a Telescope GUI (Hi there! My cleverness here!) and are forced to link (EX: A server admin/moderator/internal client user triggers a link OR a panic link region appears suddenly where you are standing, triggered such as SDL Enable) when you link into the resulting age, your Client will be unable to open any other game based GUI, such as KI, Relto, Graphics Settings, or Login/Logout. The only way to fix this is to restart your client.

Obviously, this is less than ideal in situations where a player may have their KI up full screen or are looking into a telescope and an In-World event or Server Admin/Moderator triggers a mass link event happens.

I have no idea what to do to fix this except update any full screen scripts to release the GUI on detection of panic link?

Hoikas commented 3 weeks ago

I'm not able to reproduce this on the latest master - I opened the full screen/BigKI and used the console command Net.LinkWithOwnedBook Nexus to go to the Nexus. I was then able to open the Nexus GUI, use it, close it, then open the login/logout GUI.

Traveler263 commented 3 weeks ago

I'll do a download of the latest master and give my little panic region test another go-through.

Traveler263 commented 3 weeks ago

I'm just going to link you to an example blend of the physics setup i created that gave me the initial error.


There are two telescope setups, one of which is centered inside an animated panic region that raises and lowers. To test the issue I ran into, stand in the telescope that gets obscured with the lava block and use the telescope, then wait for the panic link. If your GUI locks up, then we know it's not fixed, but if it doesn't lock up, then it's not an issue on newer clients.

NOTE: I was not able to test this locally due to the whole updating client issue i ran into as mentioned on discord.

Hoikas commented 1 week ago

I don't seem to be able to reproduce this with your example. Just so we're on this same page, this is what I did: https://youtu.be/j6_oz__bF8M

Traveler263 commented 1 week ago

that's basically exactly what i did and it locks up for me. how strange. welp, i guess ill just have to live with the possibility it might be local machine based rather than client or server based. That's annoying, but something I'll just have to live with.