H1R0GH057 / Anonymous

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do you need a vpn and can this be traced #15

Open dagod1 opened 3 years ago

dagod1 commented 3 years ago

do you need a vpn for this

amddeus commented 3 years ago

If you need to ask that then you shouldn't even be here

dagod1 commented 3 years ago

bro my dumbass lil couzin really thought that tho he thought he could be traced

ghost commented 2 years ago

Run the cmd "tor" or install it than run it, than use torshammer (with the -T argument) and it will attack with a different ip.

realdeadbeef commented 2 years ago

Run the cmd "tor" or install it than run it, than use torshammer (with the -T argument) and it will attack with a different ip.

This is against the ethos of Tor, it's designed as a way to browse the web anonymously and in creating loads of traffic for the end server you are also creating loads of traffic for Tor relays and exit nodes.

ec1ipc3 commented 2 years ago

Use proxychains in linux dagod1