H2-invent / jitsi-admin

Organize and fully controll your jitsi meet meetings. Make your meeting secure and be sure that only you and your fellows can join your meeting.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
131 stars 49 forks source link

mercure issue #503

Open rutujasm opened 8 months ago

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

i have attached screenshot of problem i am facing,please help me out Screenshot from 2023-12-29 16-00-45

holema commented 8 months ago

Hello @rutujasm,

please double check if the MERCURE_JWT_SECRET and WEBSOCKET_SECRET in the env of the jitsi-admin matches the WEBSOCKET_SECRET of the websocket (mercure). Which version of the jitsi-admin do you use?

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

I already checked its matching . And I am using current version of jitsi-meet.

holema commented 8 months ago

Hello @rutujasm ,

Do use the docker version or the plain installation? Please check if the websocket service is running.

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

I am using plain installation.How to check websocket service status?

holema commented 8 months ago

The plain installation is much more complex, because we don't know you exact setup. I would suggest to use the docker version. https://github.com/H2-invent/jitsi-admin/wiki/Install-jitsi-admin-in-docker

You can get the status with service jitsi-admin_websocket status

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

as to change some styling i edited /assest/css/startpage.css

and run command sudo chmod -R 777 var/cache/prod/vich_uploader sudo chown -R www-data:www-data var/cache/prod/vich_uploader sudo php bin/console cache:clear sudo chown -R www-data:www-data var/ due to this my css of whole application becomes invisible , no styling at my app can u please guide me about my misatke and tell me how do i fix now?

holema commented 8 months ago

Hello @rutujasm ,

it is elementary, that you upload all changes to a public repo because of AGPL license. So please give me the repo url then I can take a look. To change the css file must be recompiled. This happens with the install script.

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

bash install.sh??? but it will clear my all chnges right?

holema commented 8 months ago

Run npm run build in the root directory

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

Its giving output : missing script 'build'

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

Getting following output. xyz@admin:/var/www/jitsi-admin$ npm run build

build encore production --progress

Running webpack ...

Insufficient number of arguments or no entry found. Alternatively, run 'webpack(-cli) --help' for usage info.

Hash: 8536ec1c78aac41f31fe Version: webpack 4.47.0 Time: 77ms Built at: 01/12/2024 5:40:56 PM

WARNING in configuration The 'mode' option has not been set, webpack will fallback to 'production' for this value. Set 'mode' option to 'development' or 'production' to enable defaults for each environment. You can also set it to 'none' to disable any default behavior. Learn more: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/

ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can't resolve './src' in '/var/www/jitsi-admin'

holema commented 8 months ago

Make npm install first

rutujasm commented 8 months ago

getting this npm run build -- --env=prod

build encore production --progress --env=prod

Running webpack ...

WARNING Be careful when using Encore.configureLoaderRule(), this is a low-level method that can potentially break Encore and Webpack when not used carefully. 24% building 118/125 modules 7 active /var/www/jitsi-admin/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/var/www/jitsi-admin/node_modules/flatpickr/dist/esm/l10n/default.jsDeprecation Warning: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/abs-percent

╷ 57 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/vendor/_rfs.scss 57:14 divide() node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/mixins/_grid.scss 72:12 row-cols() node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/mixins/_grid.scss 102:13 @content node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 72:5 media-breakpoint-up() node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/mixins/_grid.scss 89:5 make-grid-columns() node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/_grid.scss 31:3 @import node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/mdb.free.scss 20:9 @import stdin 2:9 root stylesheet

Deprecation Warning: $weight: Passing a number without unit % (100) is deprecated.

To preserve current behavior: $weight * 1%

More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/function-units

255 │ @return mix(rgba($foreground, 1), $background, opacity($foreground) * 100); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/_functions.scss 255:11 opaque() node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/mixins/_table-variants.scss 4:28 table-variant() node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/_tables.scss 134:3 @import node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/mdb.free.scss 23:9 @import stdin 2:9 root stylesheet

Deprecation Warning: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(40%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{40%}) More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/abs-percent

╷ 49 │ $alert-color: mix($value, color-contrast($alert-background), abs($alert-color-scale)); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/_alert.scss 49:66 @import node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/mdb.free.scss 35:9 @import stdin 2:9 root stylesheet

Deprecation Warning: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(40%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{40%}) More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/abs-percent

167 │ abs($list-group-item-color-scale) │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/_list-group.scss 167:7 @import node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/mdb.free.scss 39:9 @import stdin 2:9 root stylesheet

94% after seal ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 5:59:54 PM

error in ./node_modules/pretty-print-json/dist/pretty-print-json.js

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (8:20) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders | if (!''.at) | String.prototype.at = function (i) { return this.charAt(i + (i < 0 ? this.length : 0)); };

    if (options?.['trailingComma'] !== undefined)

| options.trailingCommas = options['trailingComma']; | const defaults = {

@ ./assets/js/jsonBeautifier.js 4:0-52 13:17-32 @ ./assets/js/init.js @ ./assets/js/app.js

Entrypoint app = runtime.1c3093de.js 1.a56d1424.css 1.0f9333f5.js app.2a7c73f4.css app.5dab80a6.js

holema commented 8 months ago

which version or branch du you use?

holema commented 8 months ago

Seems like you have make a mistake here:

node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/bootstrap-rtl-fix/_list-group.scss 167:7 https://github.com/import
node_modules/mdb-ui-kit/src/scss/mdb.free.scss 39:9 https://github.com/import
stdin 2:9 root stylesheet

94% after seal ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 5:59:54 PM

error in ./node_modules/pretty-print-json/dist/pretty-print-json.js

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (8:20)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
| if (!''.at)
| [String.prototype.at](http://string.prototype.at/) = function (i) { return this.charAt(i + (i < 0 ? this.length : 0)); };

    if (options?.['trailingComma'] !== undefined)
| options.trailingCommas = options['trailingComma'];
| const defaults = {

@ ./assets/js/jsonBeautifier.js 4:0-52 13:17-32
@ ./assets/js/init.js
rutujasm commented 8 months ago

I am using current version and master branch

holema commented 8 months ago

I don't know what you have changed in the CSS so it is impossible to find the error. You have to give me the changes you made