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Computer Jargon for non-English speaking Developers(非英语母语开发者的计算机术语) #6

Open H2rmone opened 4 years ago

H2rmone commented 4 years ago


H2rmone commented 4 years ago


In computing, memoization or memoisation is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.


H2rmone commented 4 years ago

Big O Notation(大O符号)

Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity. It is a member of a family of notations invented by Paul Bachmann, Edmund Landau, and others, collectively called Bachmann–Landau notation or asymptotic notation.

大O符号(英语:Big O notation),又称为渐进符号,是用于描述函数渐近行为的数学符号。更确切地说,它是用另一个(通常更简单的)函数来描述一个函数数量级的渐近上界。在数学中,它一般用来刻画被截断的无穷级数尤其是渐近级数的剩余项;在计算机科学中,它在分析算法复杂性的方面非常有用。

大O符号是由德国数论学家保罗·巴赫曼在其1892年的著作《解析数论》(Analytische Zahlentheorie)首先引入的。而这个记号则是在另一位德国数论学家艾德蒙·朗道的著作中才推广的,因此它有时又称为朗道符号(Landau symbols)。代表“order of ...”(……阶)的大O,最初是一个大写希腊字母“Ο”(omicron),现今用的是大写拉丁字母“O”。

H2rmone commented 4 years ago

Tacit programming(point-free style)

Tacit programming, also called point-free style, is a programming paradigm in which function definitions do not identify the arguments (or "points") on which they operate. Instead the definitions merely compose other functions, among which are combinators that manipulate the arguments. Tacit programming is of theoretical interest, because the strict use of composition results in programs that are well adapted for equational reasoning.[1] It is also the natural style of certain programming languages, including APL and its derivatives,[2] and concatenative languages such as Forth. The lack of argument naming gives point-free style a reputation of being unnecessarily obscure, hence the epithet "pointless style".[1]