H3rz3n / Davinci-Resolve-Fedora-38-39-40-Fix

Pre Install and post install script for making Davinci Resolve 18.6.x working on Fedora 38-39-40
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 2 forks source link

Still have issues (Fedora 39, Hyprland) #1

Closed centuryboy774 closed 4 months ago

centuryboy774 commented 4 months ago

I'm extremely thankful for you making these scripts but I am still having issues. It wont import videos and one video does import but it has no thubnail and has no video video track. it has a dead audio track. I'm done with davini, I thought it was really cool there free but they have done worst god damn job on making it linux compatible. Also my issues might bc bc they don't support .mp4 files for LINUX? WHAT???? Im done with davini resolve I hate there product and I am not wasting anymore time on there shitty linux product as far as Im concered Davini resolve is windows only bc it's so poorly ported to linux it might as well be. Flatpak doesn't exist not them. sorry for having to see a rnadom ass person being this upset but I have wasted so much time on shitty products that just wont work bc companys refuse to give linux love.

realKarthikNair commented 4 months ago

Facing the EXACT same issue, any fixes??

H3rz3n commented 4 months ago

To make Davinci correctly use your file you need to decode it DNxHD/DNxHQ/Apple ProRes. You can do it with FFMPEG from cli or with Shutter Encoder (it's an AppImage) from a GUI. Doing it, Davinci will correctly read your file and you will have a performance boost because Davinci does not decode/encode from H264-H265 every time you make something in the timeline. I hope this can help you :)

realKarthikNair commented 4 months ago

@H3rz3n can you provide a sample ffmpeg command for the same?

centuryboy774 commented 4 months ago

Thanks H3rz3n you are very helpful. Even with this im done with davini resolve. I shouldn't have to go through extra steps just because I use a different OS. I'm glad it's "useable" but they did a shitty job porting it to linux like I said in my issue. I have switched full stop to Kdenlive as im done with davini resolves shenanigans. thanks for all the help you've provided I appreciate you alot <3