H4cK3dR4Du / Discord-Member-Booster

The best member booster for discord, super easy to use and effective! What are you waiting for to increase your servers?
235 stars 197 forks source link

all it does is open nothing else #10

Open TharmsyXD opened 11 months ago

TharmsyXD commented 11 months ago
                __  ___               __                 ____                   __
               /  |/  /__  ____ ___  / /_  ___  _____   / __ )____  ____  _____/ /____  _____
              / /|_/ / _ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/  / __  / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
             / /  / /  __/ / / / / / /_/ /  __/ /     / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ (__  ) /_/  __/ /    
            /_/  /_/\___/_/ /_/ /_/_.___/\___/_/     /_____/\____/\____/____/\__/\___/_/     

                                    [ https://github.com/H4cK3dR4Du ]
                                     [   Leave A Star Please! :)   ]

it only says that

abudgethuman commented 9 months ago


NxyyLOL commented 5 months ago

then put a captcha key, the invite and the threads count