H4ckForJob / dirmap

An advanced web directory & file scanning tool that will be more powerful than DirBuster, Dirsearch, cansina, and Yu Jian.一个高级web目录、文件扫描工具,功能将会强于DirBuster、Dirsearch、cansina、御剑。
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.11k stars 546 forks source link

运行出错 #52

Open 993286925 opened 4 years ago

993286925 commented 4 years ago


#Recursive scan options
#recursive scan:Close:0;Open:1
conf.recursive_scan = 1
#Recursive scanning if these status codes
conf.recursive_status_code = [301,403]
#Exit the scan when the URL exceeds this length
conf.recursive_scan_max_url_length = 60
#These suffix names are not recursive
conf.recursive_blacklist_exts = ["html",'htm','shtml','png','jpg','webp','bmp','js','css','pdf','ini','mp3','mp4']
#The directory does not scan
#conf.exclude_subdirs = ['/test1','/test2']
conf.exclude_subdirs = ""

#Processing scan mode
#Dict mode:Close :0;single dict:1;multiple dict:2
conf.dict_mode = 2
#Single dictionary file path
conf.dict_mode_load_single_dict = "dict_mode_dict.txt"
#Multiple dictionary file path
conf.dict_mode_load_mult_dict = "dictmult"
#Blast mode:tips:Use "conf.file_extension" options for suffixes
conf.blast_mode = 0
#Minimum length of character set
conf.blast_mode_min = 3
#Maximum length of character set
conf.blast_mode_max = 3
#The default character set:a-z
conf.blast_mode_az = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
#The default character set:0-9
conf.blast_mode_num = "0123456789"
#Custom character set
conf.blast_mode_custom_charset = "abc"
#Custom continue to generate blast dictionary location
conf.blast_mode_resume_charset = ""
#Crawl mode:Close :0;Open:1
conf.crawl_mode = 0
#Crawl mode dynamic fuzz suffix dict
conf.crawl_mode_dynamic_fuzz_suffix = "crawl_mode_suffix.txt"
#Parse robots.txt file
conf.crawl_mode_parse_robots = 0
#An xpath expression used by a crawler to parse an HTML document
conf.crawl_mode_parse_html = "//*/@href | //*/@src | //form/@action"
#Whether to turn on the dynamically generated payloads:close:0;open:1
conf.crawl_mode_dynamic_fuzz = 1
#Fuzz mode:Close :0;single dict:1;multiple dict:2
conf.fuzz_mode = 2
#Single dictionary file path.You can customize the dictionary path. The labels are just a flag for insert dict.
conf.fuzz_mode_load_single_dict = "fuzz_mode_dir.txt"
#Multiple dictionary file path
conf.fuzz_mode_load_mult_dict = "fuzzmult"
#Set the label of fuzz.e.g:{dir};{ext}
#conf.fuzz_mode_label = "{dir}"
conf.fuzz_mode_label = "{dir}"

#Processing payloads

#Processing requests
#Custom request header.e.g:test1=test1,test2=test2
conf.request_headers = ""
#Custom request user-agent
conf.request_header_ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36"
#Custom request cookie.e.g:cookie1=cookie1; cookie2=cookie2;
conf.request_header_cookie = ""
#Custom 401 certification
conf.request_header_401_auth = ""
#Custom request methods (get, head)
conf.request_method = "get"
#Custom per request timeout in x sec.
conf.request_timeout = 3
#Custom per request delay random(0-x) secends.The parameter must be an integer.
conf.request_delay = 0
#Custom all request limit,default 30 coroutines
conf.request_limit = 30
#Custom request max retries
conf.request_max_retries = 1
#Whether to open an HTTP persistent connection
conf.request_persistent_connect = 0
#Whether to follow 302 redirection
conf.redirection_302 = False
#Payload add file extension
conf.file_extension = ""

#Processing responses
#Sets the response status code to record
conf.response_status_code = [200]
#Whether to record content-type
conf.response_header_content_type = 1
#Whether to record page size
conf.response_size = 1
#Auto check 404 page
conf.auto_check_404_page = True
#Custom 503 page regex
conf.custom_503_page = "page 503"
#Custom regular match response content
# conf.custom_response_page = "([0-9]){3}([a-z]){3}test"
conf.custom_response_page = ""
#Skip files of size x bytes.you must be set "None",if don't want to skip any file.e.g:None;0b;1k;1m
conf.skip_size = "None"

#Processing proxy
#conf.proxy_server = {"http":"","https":""}
conf.proxy_server = None

#Debug option
#Print payloads and exit the program
conf.debug = 0

#update option
#Get the latest code from github(Not yet available)
conf.update = 0


[*] Use fuzz mode
[*] Use recursive scan: Yes                                                                                             
[*] Use fuzz mode
[*] Use recursive scan: Yes                                                                                             
[*] Use fuzz mode
[*] Use recursive scan: Yes                                                                                             
[*] Use fuzz mode
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/dirmap/lib/controller/engine.py", line 44, in scan
  File "/root/dirmap/lib/controller/bruter.py", line 573, in bruter
    for payload in payloads.all_payloads:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
TryA9ain commented 4 years ago

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