H6nry / ncforward

NCForward - forward your iOS notifications
9 stars 2 forks source link

Specify PushBullet Devices #3

Open sea3pea0 opened 8 years ago

sea3pea0 commented 8 years ago

It would be great to be able to specify the devices pushbullet notifications will be sent to. The problem I have right now is that if I have the pushbullet app installed on the same phone that has NCForward installed, I get a loop of duplicate notifications. Also since my iPad already gets notifications about messages and calls and it has the pushbullet app, duplicate notifications happen on this device too. Maybe there is already a way to do this that I have missed, but if not it would be great to have this feature. Thanks again for a great tweak!

H6nry commented 8 years ago

This is indeed a bug which i will fix as soon as possible, but there are much more important things to do first. For example i realized that my LAN code is complete bullshit and that i have to rewrite it. Sorry for the delay :/ for now, disable notifications from Pushbullet on the device you have NCForward installed.