HA6Bots / TikTok-Compilation-Video-Generator

A system of bots that collects clips automatically via custom made filters, lets you easily browse these clips, and puts them together into a compilation video ready to be uploaded straight to any social media platform. Full VPS support is provided, along with an accounts system so multiple users can use the bot at once. This bot is split up into three separate programs. The server. The client. The video generator. These programs perform different functions that when combined creates a very powerful system for auto generating compilation videos.
MIT License
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Not able to scrape #5

Open Emilianocm23 opened 3 years ago

Emilianocm23 commented 3 years ago

Hello I think this is not working well, its not able to scrape by Author/Hashtag I dont know how to code but i will donate to thank the creator of this fantastic open source bot

HA6Bots commented 3 years ago

Hi, Yes I am currently in the process of updating the code to support the latest version of the TikTokAPI. Some things are broken for the latest version of TikTokAPI 3.6.2, I will be fixing it shortly, but in the meantime if you want it to work install TikTokAPI 3.5.8

Emilianocm23 commented 3 years ago

I cant get it to work, installed 3.5.8 version but its not woirking for me. I guess i will wait for update, thank you

Arukaito commented 3 years ago

well, you dont have to wait for the Update by @HA6Bots the error is very straight forward and its very easy to fix in 3 or 4 lines of code ... you just have to read the code,

The new tiktokapi requires us a user agent and a cookie with the same identity, so each time request something it has to have the same cookie, so the problem its mainly on the way we request the data

@HA6Bots implemented a request type using python requests with these headers [('User-agent', 'okhttp'), ('referer', 'https://www.tiktok.com/')]

You just have to edit the headers on the request to fit the random generated cookie which is in this case the DID interpolated variable and the user agent

                "Accept": "*/*",
                "Accept-Encoding": "identity;q=1, *;q=0",
                "Accept-Language": "en-US;en;q=0.9",
                "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
                "Connection": "keep-alive",
                "cookie": "tt_webid_v2=" + b.did,
                "Host": url.split("/")[2],
                "Pragma": "no-cache",
                "Range": "bytes=0-",
                "Referer": "https://www.tiktok.com/",
                "User-Agent": b.userAgent,

or just use get_bytes or get_video_by_url as the api tells you... its up to you

Emilianocm23 commented 3 years ago

On what file? tiktok.py?

the variable "b.did" whats its value?

Arukaito commented 3 years ago

b.did its a random integer as specified in #311

did = str(random.randint(10000, 999999999))

HA6Bots commented 3 years ago

@Arukaito Thank you. Yes sorry guys - been extremely busy lately, I should be able to get it updated by the end of this week.

HA6Bots commented 3 years ago

API Fix! Please try again now with new server code.