Closed Yashirow closed 2 years ago
You can reverse the list like this:
<article class="uk-article uk-padding uk-margin-remove-top">
<div class="uk-child-width-1-3@l uk-child-width-1-2@m uk-child-width-1-1@s uk-text-center uk-flex-center" uk-grid="masonry: false">
%for location in user.explorations:
<div class="uk-card uk-card-secondary">
<div class="uk-card-body">
Oh well I feel dumb haha, anyway thanks.
Hi, I was editing template.mako for customization only and was wondering if it's possible to reverse the order of the areas in the "exploration" part ? (Mondstadt first, then Liyue, Dragonspine, ..., underground mines of the chasm) Thanks.