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Cannot find vehicle config (.ini) files when adding my own EgoVehicle #117

Closed LowP1tch closed 9 months ago

LowP1tch commented 1 year ago

Hi Guys!

I am currently triying to exchange the default model3 with a 2wheeled vehicle from the carla blueprints. I am at Step 3.2 "Add the new config file and code" of the CustomEgo.md and I am trying to create the new .ini file. Unfortunately the "EgoVehicles" folder is not existend inside of CarlaUE4/Config/. Hence there are also no existend .ini files I could copy and adjust, rename etc. Did I do anything wrong when building and launching? Since everything else works just fine it might be an outdated tutorial? Or Is there maybe a chance to download and paste the needed config files?

Some other points that might be interesting:

I would be so greatfull for any help!

GustavoSilvera commented 1 year ago

Have you updated to the latest main branch? We recently merged a pull request that includes this backend overhaul (#111).

Please see this section on how to upgrade.

LowP1tch commented 1 year ago

Yes this actually solved my problem! Thank you so much. I didn't expect not being on the main branch since my install was still so fresh.