VR driving 🚙 + eye tracking 👀 simulator based on CARLA for driving interaction research
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Custom spawn point #148

Closed StijnOosterlinck closed 5 months ago

StijnOosterlinck commented 7 months ago


How can i set a custom spawn point when spawning the DReyeVR vehicle?

I want to use this when I only need a certain section of a map (CARLA map or own map). Spawning the vehicle at a desired location is then more efficient than driving there every time from the default spawn point, but I can not find where exactly the spawn point is defined...


ajdroid commented 7 months ago

Hi -- you can achieve this by using scenario runner (a core CARLA functionality) to define routes which start at your desired spawn point.

StijnOosterlinck commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the answer @ajdroid , but i'm not looking for specific routes, since the participant is allowed to 'freely' drive around.

It seems logical that a map would have a default spawn point, or is this defined when making the map in roadrunner? If so, I would just want to change the default spawn point.

ajdroid commented 6 months ago

For Town 3 we specify spawn point in the DReyeVRConfig file. Otherwise we pick from spawn points in the map (see GetSpawnPoint in DReyeVRGameMode)