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Changing spawnpoint via configfile works in packaged mode but not in editor #156

Closed StijnOosterlinck closed 4 months ago

StijnOosterlinck commented 4 months ago


So the DReyeVRConfig file is meant to set parameters which could be changed at runtime without having to compile everything. I was trying to do this for the SpawnEgoVehicleTransform, and lost some time because I thought it didn't work.

If I work with the editor, then I have to redo 'make launch' for the changes to take effect. However, I just noticed that when working with the packaged mode, changing the spawnTransform has effect without having to repackage the game.

Is there a specific reason why changing the spawnpoint for the editor mode requires recompilation?

ajdroid commented 4 months ago

This is an unfortunate Unreal limitation/bug -- the editor does not reload the config for some reason. There are some threads about it such as this. I mainly work with the package mode for re-editing config stuff. If you need the editor for something you can have that open as well, just don't "Play" it (use the package mode as the "Game" instead)

StijnOosterlinck commented 4 months ago

Oh okay, weird indeed, because some things (like setting the weather) are changeable via configfiles in the editor.

But i'll use the packaged mode then, thanks for the quick reply!