VR driving 🚙 + eye tracking 👀 simulator based on CARLA for driving interaction research
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How can I implement a head-up display on the windshield? #162

Open mqqq333 opened 2 months ago

mqqq333 commented 2 months ago

Hello! How can I implement a head-up display on the windshield? It is about how to display information such as vehicle speed, navigation, speed limit, lane, etc. in real time on the car's windshield. Thank you very much. IMG_0187

shh1v commented 1 month ago

Have you made any progress? I believe it may not be challenging to display dynamic driving task relevant information like speed limit, speed, lane; however, the navigation could be difficult. Are you seeking a way to display the route the driver is expected to reach the destination OR the expected route the (supposedly) automated vehicle will take, as CARLA does support automated driving? The implementation could vastly differ.