HARPgroup / HARParchive

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Regional summary doc fails at Map 2 #1230

Closed gmahadwar closed 5 months ago

gmahadwar commented 5 months ago

Error: Why is the summary document expecting .runid_13_Smin_L30_mg when we didn't ask for Smin in the runset?

''' Quitting from lines 535-632 [Create Map 2] (WSP_Regional_Summaries.Rmd) Error: ! no such column: a.runid_13_Smin_L30_mg Backtrace:

  1. sqldf::sqldf(...)
  2. DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, xi)
  3. DBI (local) .local(conn, statement, ...)
  4. RSQLite::dbSendQuery(conn, statement, ...)
  5. RSQLite (local) .local(conn, statement, ...)
    1. RSQLite:::result_create(conn@ptr, statement)
    2. '''

> rmarkdown::render(paste0(onedrive_location,"\\OWS\\WSPA\\10_Yr Resubmission_2023\\Dataframe_Generator.Rmd"), 
                   params = list(
                       origin = "Shenandoah_1", 
                       origin_type = "region", 
                       featr_type = "facility", 
                       metric_mod = "wd_mgd", 
                       model_version = "vahydro-1.0",
                       metric_feat = "wsp2020_2040_mgy", 
                       rivseg_metric = c("l90_Qout", "l30_Qout", "7q10"), 
                       runid_list = c("runid_11", "runid_13", "runid_17"), 
                       crs_default = 4326, 
                       limit_featrs_to_origin = FALSE,
                       overwrite_files = TRUE, 
                       base_layer_data = FALSE

> rmarkdown::render(paste0(onedrive_location,"\\OWS\\WSPA\\10_Yr Resubmission_2023\\WSP_Regional_Summaries.Rmd"), 
                   output_file = paste0(export_path, "Shenandoah_1_wsp"),
                   output_format = "word_document",
                   params = list(
                       origin = "Shenandoah_1", 
                       origin_type = "region", 
                       featr_type = "facility", 
                       featrs_file = paste0(export_path, "/Shenandoah_1_featrs_sf.csv"), 
                       featrs_file_map_bubble_column = "wsp2020_2040_mgy", 
                       featrs_file_table_column = c("runid_11_wd_mgd","runid_13_wd_mgd","five_yr_avg","wsp2020_2040_mgy"), 
                       rsegs_file = paste0(export_path, "/Shenandoah_1_rsegs_sf.csv"), 
                       run_set = "wsp_2020_2040", 
                       runid_list = c("runid_11", "runid_13", "runid_17"), 
                       crs_default = 4326, 
                       map_style = "custom", 
                       bbox_type = "auto",
                       show_map = TRUE))