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Using fn_mapgen() for Water Availability Case Study Maps #1233

Open glenncampagna opened 2 months ago

glenncampagna commented 2 months ago


fn_mapgen <- function(mapnum, featr_type, origin_type, style, metric, origin, bbox, segs, counties, roads,
                       nhd, maplabs, mp_layer, metric_unit, maptitle)

Function call in WaterAvailability_CaseStudies.Rmd

map <- fn_mapgen(mapnum = 2, featr_type = "facility", origin_type = "basin",
                   style = styles[[map_style]], metric = "WA_mgd_30_apx", origin = caseStudies_df$riverseg[i],
                   bbox = bbox, segs = rsegs_df, counties = counties, roads = roads, nhd = nhd, maplabs = maplabs, 
                   mp_layer = mp_layer, metric_unit = "mgd", maptitle = "WA for L30")
glenncampagna commented 2 months ago

Most recent error happening with City points layer in mapgen

rburghol commented 2 months ago

Hey @glenncampagna thanks for pushing forward on this. Have you and @megpritch started collabing on this? Especially since there are errors it makes me think working with her version will save time in the long run, and you may be able to lend a hand with some of the challenges she's having very end of her process as well as testing the new routine for robustness. And who knows, maybe some of your errors will go away using her code.

glenncampagna commented 2 months ago
rburghol commented 2 months ago

Hey @glenncampagna and @megpritch -- for sure. And speaking to @gmahadwar we are in agreement that the maps for the case studies are a "nice to have", so anything that you can do to help Meg get the modularized function debugged and tested is a great contribution, and we don't have to spend any effort on getting the non-modularized version of the function working for WA right now.