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2024/2025 Onboarding Week #1262

Open durelles opened 3 weeks ago

durelles commented 3 weeks ago

This week's primary objective is to provide the hydrologic context. The aim is for the analysts to have familiarity with the hydrologic cycle that includes: units, values (or magnitudes) of streamflow, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and water withdrawals. @ilonah22 @mwdunlap2004

ilonah22 commented 3 weeks ago

Data Carpentry Brief Summary: In Unix we learned about file management mostly, we created folders, set directories, and moved files around. We then connected it to Git and learned how to use a text editor to commit and edit files. We worked through simple examples using filters, pipes, and loops inside of Unix to become familiar with basic commands.

With R we learned about basic functions, reading in data, the types of data in R (string, chr, and numeric), how to read in data, how to make plots, and some of the functions commonly used in tidy verse. We also connected the project in R to a GitHub repository and practiced frequently committing versions to GitHub.

mwdunlap2004 commented 3 weeks ago

This is our whiteboard drawing and facts about the water cycle, as well as some examples of human impacts in VA Water Cycle Data for VA.pdf

glenncampagna commented 3 weeks ago

Analyst Checkin 6/4

For all analysts together:

For new analysts:

This is the general plan for the analyst checkins for the remainder of the week in addition to what you have given the new analysts @durelles , let us know if we're missing something

durelles commented 3 weeks ago

This is our whiteboard drawing and facts about the water cycle, as well as some examples of human impacts in VA Water Cycle Data for VA.pdf

This is a great start to thinking about some rivers in Virginia. Let's work on filling out this table that includes all the major rivers (see below, I may be missing one - Powell/Clinch): Potomac, James, Roanoke, New, Shenandoah, & Rappahannock. See if you can find the most downstream gage for each to use within the table. I'd also suggest adding a column for Specific Annual average Streamflow/discharge - that is where you divide the annual mean flow by the watershed area. Let's use the tools within data retrieval to do this tomorrow once you work on the GitHub pull/push and review of water supply plan.

durelles commented 3 weeks ago

[like] Scott, Durelle reacted to your message:

From: glenncampagna @.> Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 2:54:59 PM To: HARPgroup/HARParchive @.> Cc: Scott, Durelle @.>; Assign @.> Subject: Re: [HARPgroup/HARParchive] 2024/2025 Onboarding Week (Issue #1262)

Analyst Checkin 6/4

For all analysts:

For new analysts:

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ilonah22 commented 3 weeks ago

We rewrote our summary of the Data Carpentry workshop to include some specific functions in Unix and R that we got to practice.

In the Unix portion of the Data Carpentry Workshop, we practiced using this format to manage files by creating folders, directories, and moving files. We incorporated Git into our file management and practiced committing changes to a repository in GitHub. Some functions that we used in our examples included ‘sort -n’ to numerically sort files, the pipe operator to perform multiple functions in one line, ‘rm’ to remove files, and ‘head’ and ‘tail’ to display certain sections of data. Finally, we used ‘for’, ‘do’, and ‘done’ to create simple loops.

During the R portion of the workshop, we did basic calculations using mathematical functions in R and practiced assigning variables and objects. Then, we did simple data manipulation and converted data, for example, using ‘as.logical’ and ‘as.double’ to change data from one type to another or ‘cbind’ and ‘rbind’ to add data to a dataframe. Also, we used ‘ggplot’ to plot example data, this included the use of ‘geom_point’, ‘scale_x_log10’, ‘labs’, ‘geom_line’, and ‘geom_smooth’ to edit the plots. Finally, we used ‘summarise’, ‘select’, ‘filter’, group_by’, and ‘mutate’ to manipulate data and create data summaries.

durelles commented 3 weeks ago

[like] Scott, Durelle reacted to your message:

From: Ilona Hughes @.> Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 3:38:23 PM To: HARPgroup/HARParchive @.> Cc: Scott, Durelle @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [HARPgroup/HARParchive] 2024/2025 Onboarding Week (Issue #1262)

We rewrote our summary of the Data Carpentry workshop to include some specific functions in Unix and R that we got to practice.

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