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Week of 6/24/24 #1288

Open mwdunlap2004 opened 1 week ago

mwdunlap2004 commented 1 week ago

Review of Thursday Meeting: Analysts showed table of precipitation datasets to show their comparisons. Also an example of a different way of looking at the storm sep code, to increase the number of storms it senses. Lots of talk about different packages, and the opportunity to explore and see if these examples have been done before.

ilonah22 commented 1 week ago

Here are the tables and images from 6/20 summary:

Comparison Table Model Spatial Scales DailyvsHourlyEx3

ilonah22 commented 1 week ago

Friday 6/21:

Today Michael is away so I read through a few papers about precipitation and streamflow delay and looked at the CRAN reference manual for the sf package.

mwdunlap2004 commented 1 week ago

I actually did do some work today while we were driving, I mostly looked into some of the packages we had discussed namely fasstr and EGRET, I'm not sure how useful they are to us as they do things we've done before. Their way of looking at min and max flows though could be very interesting.

durelles commented 1 week ago

Look forward to hearing more specifics next week. Have a great weekend all, S

From: mwdunlap2004 @.> Date: Friday, June 21, 2024 at 4:30 PM To: HARPgroup/HARParchive @.> Cc: Scott, Durelle @.>, Assign @.> Subject: Re: [HARPgroup/HARParchive] Week of 6/24/24 (Issue #1288)

I actually did do some work today while we were driving, I mostly looked into some of the packages we had discussed namely fasstr and EGRET, I'm not sure how useful they are to us as they do things we've done before. Their way of looking at min and max flows though could be very interesting.

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ilonah22 commented 3 days ago

From HARPgroup/model-meteorology/Workflow 1: simple 'lm()' analysis

mwdunlap2004 commented 3 days ago

This is an example of a function that takes in all these variables as well as a desired file path and outputs a csv, I've tried it with and without start dates, as well as changing the file path and it seems to work well.

usgs_data <- function(site_id, parameterCd, startDate = NULL, endDate = NULL, file.path){ if (is.null(c(startDate, endDate))) { spas <- dataRetrieval::readNWISdv(site_id, parameterCd) spas <- spas %>% rename(Q = X_00060_00003, Datetime = Date) } else{ spas <- dataRetrieval::readNWISdv(site_id, parameterCd, startDate, endDate) spas <- spas %>% rename(Q = X_00060_00003, Datetime = Date)


return(write.csv(spas, file.path)) }

usgs_data(site_id,parameterCd, startDate, endDate, file.path = "~/HarpData/HARParchive/HARP-2024-2025/test_data.csv")

ilonah22 commented 3 days ago

Here is the baseflow separation function with inputs of csv file path, end file path, and desired filename. Output is baseflow separation plot in whichever form the user chooses:

bf_separation <- function(csv.path, end.path, filename){ water_data <- read.csv(csv.path) hdata = water_data %>% mutate(Qbase = gr_baseflow(Q, method = 'lynehollick', a = 0.925, passes = 3))

gp <- hdata |> ggplot() + geom_area(aes(as.Date(Datetime), Q), fill = 'steelblue', color = 'black') + geom_area(aes(as.Date(Datetime), Qbase), fill = 'orangered', color = 'black')

return(ggsave(filename= filename, plot = gp, path = end.path,limitsize = FALSE)) }

durelles commented 2 days ago

[like] Scott, Durelle reacted to your message:

From: Ilona Hughes @.> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 8:26:55 PM To: HARPgroup/HARParchive @.> Cc: Scott, Durelle @.>; Assign @.> Subject: Re: [HARPgroup/HARParchive] Week of 6/24/24 (Issue #1288)

Here is the baseflow separation function with inputs of csv file path, end file path, and desired filename. Output is baseflow separation plot in whichever form the user chooses:

bf_separation <- function(csv.path, end.path, filename){ water_data <- read.csv(csv.path) hdata = water_data %>% mutate(Qbase = gr_baseflow(Q, method = 'lynehollick', a = 0.925, passes = 3))

gp <- hdata |> ggplot() + geom_area(aes(as.Date(Datetime), Q), fill = 'steelblue', color = 'black') + geom_area(aes(as.Date(Datetime), Qbase), fill = 'orangered', color = 'black')

return(ggsave(filename= filename, plot = gp, path = end.path,limitsize = FALSE)) }

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COBrogan commented 2 days ago

@mwdunlap2004 I like the USGSdata function. It's simple and easy to use. One thing I noticed that I wanted to discuss was in that if statement. The if (is.null(c(startDate, endDate))){ ... } is a bit of a trap in R. is.null accepts the vector c(startDate,endDate). However, it does not apply is.null() to each element in the vector. Instead, it asks "Is this vector NULL?"_. Unless every element of the vector is NULL, the vector itself is defined. Therefore, is.null() will always return FALSE as long as either startDate or endDate is defined. In addition, you can see below that a vector defined via c() or other means automatically ignores NULLs and does not actually store them:

startDate <- "2020-02-18"
endDate <- NULL

[1] "2020-02-18"

Instead, you can structure this in any of the following manners or in some other apply case you may think of:

if(is.null(startDate) || is.null(endDate)){ ... }
if(any(is.null(startDate),is.null(endDate)){ ... }
if(unlist(lapply(list(startDate,endDate),FUN = is.null))){ ... }

Alternatively, remember that dataRetrieval::readNWISdv() has defaults for the startDate and endDate parameters already. According to ?readNWISdv, using an empty character string "" will automatically get the full data range (which you already know because you've used it here, but I'm just reiterating). So, instead of defaulting to NULLs in the arguments of usgs_data, we could instead default startDate and endDate to be the empty string "". Totally optional. Working with NULLs can be tricky, but rewarding. I found NULL variables to be really critical to getting interactive shiny applications to work and I seem to like using them in javaScript as well.

This is the fun part of creating functions. Everything works well when you test it out, but the moment someone else gets it, something breaks due to an unexpected input. It's all part of the process.