Open rburghol opened 2 years ago
New scenario called hsp2_2022 created in the directory Comment with link to online index and directory path:
(*) tables in each subcategory
from #237
This includes what the data points look like from the HDFView tables Definitions from HSPF manual:
AGWET = evapotranspiration from groundwater [in/interval] Data: often zero, but occasional periods of values
AGWI = active groundwater inflow [in/ivld] Data: often zero, but occasional periods of values
AGWLI = active groundwater lateral inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
AGWO = active groundwater outflow [in/interval] Data: often values, but occasional periods of zeros
AGWS = active groundwater storage at the start of the interval [in] Data: usually values but some zeros
BASET = E-T taken for active groundwater outflow (baseflow) [in/ivld] Data: zeros
CEPE = evap. From interception storage [in/ivld] Data: often zero, but occasional periods of values
CEPS = interception storage [in] Data: approx equal amount of values and zeros
GWVS = index to groundwater slope [in] Data: negative values and zeros in the beginning, but positive mostly
IFWI = interflow inflow (excluding lateral) [in/ivld] Data: approx equal amount of values and zeros
IFWLI = interflow lateral inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
IFWO = interflow outflow [in/interval] Data: approx equal amount of values and zeros
IFWS = interflow storage at the start of the interval [in] Data: approx equal amount of values and zeros
IGWI = inflow to inactive (deep) GW [in/ivld] Data: zeros
INFFAC = factor to account for frozen ground effects, if applicable [none] Data: usually always 1.0, but some periods when 0.9…
INFIL = infiltration to the soil [in/ivld] Data: zeros
LZET = E-T from lower zone [in/ivld] (does E-T mean evapotranspiration here?) Data: mostly zeros but occasional positive values lower than 10
LZI = lower zone inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
LZLI = lower zone lateral inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
LZS = initial lower zone storage [in] Data: All values are approximately = 5 , but slightly less (4.97499..), and values change very slightly
PERC = percolation from upper to lower zone [in/ivld] Data: zeros
PERO = total outflow from PLS [in/ivld] (what is PLS? - It is a “Pervious Land Segment”) Data: values begin at approximately 0.003 but slowly decrease
PERS = total water stored in the PLS [in] Data: values start around 6.5 and seem to steadily decrease
PET = potential E-T, adjusted for snow cover and air temperature [in/ivld] Data: mostly zeros, occasional values less than 10
PETADJ = adjustment factor for potential ET [no units (fraction)] Data: Values are all either 0, 0.5, or 1
SUPY = water supply to soil surface [in/ivld] Data: zeros
SURI = surface inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
SURLI = surface lateral inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
SURO = surface outflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
SURS = surface detention storage [in] Data: zeros
TAET = total simulated E-T [in/ivld] Data: mix of zeros and values less than 10
TGWS = total groundwater storage [in] Data: values start at ~ 1 and decrease steadily
UZET = E-T from upper zone [in/ivld] Data: zeros and small decimals
UZI = upper zone inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
UZLI = upper zone lateral inflow [in/ivld] Data: zeros
UZS = upper zone storage [in] Data: Values start at 0.6 and decrease very slowly
AIRTMP = corrected air temperature [degrees F] Data: all positive values approximately around 20-80, no zeros
GATMP = air temperature at gage [degrees F] Data: all positive values approximately around 20-50, no zeros
ALBEDO = reflectivity of snowpack (only available if SNOPFG = 0) [none] Data: mostly all zeros or very close to zero
CONVINX = snow cover index [in] Data: all data points are 0.106
DEWTMP = dew point [degrees F] Data: No zeros, data ranges from 20-90
DULL = dullness index of snowpack, available if SNOPFG = 0) [none] Data: all zero or close to zero
MELT = quantity of melt from PACKF [in/ivld] Data: mostly all zero, range from 0-3
NEGHTS = negative heat storage [in] Data: all zero or very close to zero
PACK = total contents of pack (water equivalent) [in] Data: ranges from 0-0.6
PACKF = frozen contents of the pack (snow and ice) [in] Data: mostly all zero
PACKI = ice in pack [in] Data: mostly all zeros
PACKW = liquid water in pack [in] Data: mostly all zeros
PAKTMP = mean temperature of the snowpack [degrees F] Data: all data points are 32
PDEPTH = pack depth [in] Data: mostly all zeros
PRAIN = rainfall directly onto the snowpack [in/ivld] Data: all zero
RAINF = rainfall [in/ivld] Data: mostly all zero or close to zero
RDENPF = relative density of frozen contents of pack (PACKF/PDEPTH) [none] Data: all “NaN”
SKYCLR = fraction of sky assumed clear [none] Data: range from 0.1-1.0
SNOCOV = fraction of land segment covered by pack [none] Data: range from 0-1
SNOTMP = max air temperature for which snowfall occurs [degrees F] Data: either 32.0 or 33.0
SNOWE = evaporation from PACKF (sublimation) [in/ivld] Data: almost all zero
SNOWF = snowfall [in/invld] Data: almost all zero or close to zero
WYIELD = water yielded by the pack (released to the land-surface) [in/ivld] Data: almost all zero or close to zero
XLNMLT = maximum increment to ice in pack [in] Data: some zeros, some range from 0-0.3
We were able to take the PWATER table from the RESULTS group of A51800.h5 and turn it into a .csv with converted timestamps through the method below:
~$ cd /media/model/p6/out/land/hsp2_2022/eos # navigate to online directory
$ R
> library(rhdf5)
> fid = H5Fopen("forA51800.h5")
> did = H5Dopen(fid, "RESULTS/PERLND_P001/PWATER/table")
> pwater <- H5Dread(did, bit64conversion = "double") # setup converting timestamps
> origin<- "1970-01-01"
> pwater$index <- as.POSIXct((pwater$index)/1000000000, origin = origin, tz = "UTC") # convert timestamps
> write.table(pwater, file = "forA51800_pwater.csv", sep = "," , row.names = FALSE) # creates csv
> H5Fclose(fid)
> H5Dclose(did) # always close what you open
> q()
For reference, this is Glenn's error while following the same workflow that was successful for Megan yesterday:
gcampagna11@deq2:/media/model/p6/out/land/hsp2_2022$ cp ~/A51800_atemp.csv ./eos/
cp: cannot create regular file './eos/A51800_atemp.csv': Permission denied
I was able to connect to the directory, but these are all the errors I received in R...
> library("rhdf5")
> fid = H5Fopen("forA51800.h5")
Error in H5Fopen("forA51800.h5") :
HDF5. File accessibility. Unable to open file.
> did = H5Dopen(fid, "RESULTS/PERLND_P001/PWATER/table")
Error: Error in h5checktype(). H5Identifier not valid.
> pwater <- H5Dread(did, bit64conversion = "double")
Error: Error in h5checktype(). H5Identifier not valid.
> origin <- "1970-01-01"
> pwater$index <- as.POSIXct((pwater$index)/1000000000, origin = origin, tz = "UTC")
Error in Ops.POSIXt((pwater$index), 1e+09) :
'/' not defined for "POSIXt" objects
> write.table(pwater,file = "forA51800_pwater.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
cannot open file 'forA51800_pwater.csv': Permission denied
I was able to connect to the directory, but these are all the errors I received in R...
> library("rhdf5") > fid = H5Fopen("forA51800.h5") Error in H5Fopen("forA51800.h5") : HDF5. File accessibility. Unable to open file. > did = H5Dopen(fid, "RESULTS/PERLND_P001/PWATER/table") Error: Error in h5checktype(). H5Identifier not valid. > pwater <- H5Dread(did, bit64conversion = "double") Error: Error in h5checktype(). H5Identifier not valid. > origin <- "1970-01-01" > pwater$index <- as.POSIXct((pwater$index)/1000000000, origin = origin, tz = "UTC") Error in Ops.POSIXt((pwater$index), 1e+09) : '/' not defined for "POSIXt" objects > write.table(pwater,file = "forA51800_pwater.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE) Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) : cannot open file 'forA51800_pwater.csv': Permission denied
We are still receiving the same error even after Rob's effort to fix it.
@juliabruneau thansk for the extensive details on this. I think for now we should limit our exports to the "PWATER" series for land models.
Everyone -- I believe we're in business. For real this time. :)
Update from Analysts: yes we are in business, all of us are now able to write .csv files to the online index/directory hsp2_2022 without accessibility errors
One work product will be to define the format that we will output for river segment model files, and land Segment model files. The output formats will contain a mixture of columns representing the data that comes out of the model and its raw form, as well as some things that may be derived products where we calculate something and add a column with the results, or in some cases just a renamed, or "alias" version of one of the standard model output columns.
One reason for aliasing, the main reason really, is that we have existing model post processing routines that expect certain call names in the files that they analyze. Qout is one of these, which is the outflow from a river segment at any time step.
Write R script to harvest values and save to csv
Use columns already defined in #237 File: [uci base]_hydr.csv Path: /media/model/p6/out/river/[scenario]/stream/ Ex: OR1_7700_7980_hydr.csv
Default to all outputs in a single tree. Describe trees found in the forA51037.h5 file here. File: [uci base]_perlnd_pwater.csv Ex: forA51037_perlnd_pwater.csv Path: /media/model/p6/out/land/[scenario]/eos/ Note: we need to create a scenario for these, we will name it hsp2_2022