Open glenncampagna opened 2 years ago
@jdkleiner see above - I tried to lay out the script names and arguments that each of 2 post-processing component scripts should have here. I'd like to get your thoughts about this as a development strategy going forward.
First version of working export script can be found here:
@rburghol I think what you've laid out here is sensible. Separating the h5->CSV and CSV->summary stats portions of the process into separate scripts makes the most sense. The analysts should be able to take what they learned this morning (posting model stats as properties) the next step in a hsp_pwater.R script
Rscript [export_hsp_h5.R] [h5_file_path] [output_file_path] [data_source_table]
_[export_hsph5.R] = path to the export script _[h5_filepath] = path to the h5 file data is being retrieved from _[output_filepath] = path and name of csv being saved _[data_sourcetable] = path to table in h5 (/RESULTS/ PERLND_001/PWATER/table)
Rscript [hsp_pwater.R] [land_segment_name] [scenario_name][landuse] [pwater_file_path] [image_file_path]
_[hsppwater.R] = path to the summary script (HARParchive/HARP-2022-Summer/AutomatedScripts/hsppwater.r) [land_segmentname] = name of land segment (A51800) _[scenarioname] = (p532sova2021) [landuse] = land use prefix (for) [pwater_filepath] = path to csv file created using export script (/media/model/p532/out/land/p532sova_2021/pwater/forA51800pwater.csv) [image_filepath] = path to where generate graphs will be stored (/media/model/p532/out/land/p532sova_2021/images)
Note: the path to hsp_pwater.R file must also be supplied in the command line when running from home directory (HARParchive/HARP-2022-Summer/AutomatedScripts/hsp_pwater.r)
@glenncampagna here is where the next steps are: Most excellent! Now, what happens when you browse in VA Hydro to the model in question, and click on the scenario results?
But I see this, which is good:
Note: if you're having trouble with the first item above, see the file from yesterday's session cova_runoff.R And compare the path to the file in the terminal to the path to the file in the web address from item #3 above.
We have pushed these updated files (exports and images) into VAHydro to verify that they work. If @rburghol or @jdkleiner could remove all the files from the scenario, we can run the script again to just have the correct files remaining (there are a lot of duplicates now).
We are looking into running the script with the full path now.
@rburghol When attempting to run the summary script from our home directory and using a full path, with a directory and file name, we've gotten an error:
$ Rscript hsp_pwater.R A51800 p532sova_2021 /media/model/p6/out/land/hsp2_2022/eos/pwater_test.csv 'for'
Fatal error: cannot create 'R_TempDir'
Yes, it is a correct assumption to be running the script with a full path from our home directory on the deg server?
This error was solved, and was the result of limited disk space it seems.
I started working on the batch script to generate plots for all land segments in a basin, and had a few questions about the arguements.
I was able to simplify all the arguments used in the two R scripts down to three components (Land use, Land segment name, and scenario name).
@gcambridge : thanks for laying this out so clearly -- this really helps me. I think we covered this all in the meeting, with the exception of no.2: hard coding the data_source_table which I answer below.
However I was unclear on a couple things:
Everyone: With regard to the duplicates. I believe the problem is that it could be one (or more) of 3 causes:
command. This means it does not query VAHydro to see if this property already exists. Thus, when you save it, it is creating a new one. See code below for a fix.propvalue
or propcode
in the initial RomProperty$new()
command. Maybe this is causing a problem? It is not done like that in some of our other working code, so, for safety's sake, so we should query without value, then set the propcode/propvalue, then save(). See code
call. Best to set to 'dh_properties' (see code below).Note, none the above should cause duplicate creation, but I think for some reason it DOES. If you can test this and confirm/disconfirm that this fixes the duplicate issue, then that is great. If it does fix it, we need to file a bug report in hydrotools, which I would appreciate if someone would do for us when you finish testing. Hydrotools issue queue:
Also note, there shpould be no reason to save() the model element every time, since the model should exist. What you should do in his case is load it (using new()
, I know, weird syntax), and then see if it has a pid > 0
, if so, no need to save it. It will just cur down on processing time, and since we will be doing this thousands and thousands of times that will add up.
model_constant_agwo_Runit <- RomProperty$new(
ds, list(
propname = 'l90_agwo_Runit',
bundle = "dh_properties"
model_constant_agwo_Runit$propcode <- met.propcode
model_constant_agwo_Runit$propvalue <- as.numeric(l90_agwo_Runit)
@rburghol @jdkleiner we are testing the batch script and are running into the following permission denied errors when attempting to create the export directories:
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/media/model/p532/out/land/hsp2_2022/eos’: Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/media/model/p532/out/land/hsp2_2022/images’: Permission denied
Is there a way for you all to give us permissions to create and add files to these directories, or should we try exporting somewhere else for now?
This batch script takes arguments for scenario and river segment and exports all pwater and iwater data tables to the same directory
/opt/model/p53/p532c-sova$ bash ~/batch_harvest.bat hsp2_2022 OR1_7700_7980
/media/model/p532/out/land/hsp2_2022/pwater$ ls
afoA51011_iwater.csv cfoA51011_iwater.csv homA51011_pwater.csv hywA51011_pwater.csv nhiA51011_pwater.csv nloA51011_pwater.csv rcnA51011_pwater.csv trpA51011_pwater.csv
afoA51037_iwater.csv cfoA51037_iwater.csv homA51037_pwater.csv hywA51037_pwater.csv nhiA51037_pwater.csv nloA51037_pwater.csv rcnA51037_pwater.csv trpA51037_pwater.csv
alfA51011_pwater.csv cidA51011_iwater.csv hvfA51011_pwater.csv lwmA51011_pwater.csv nhoA51011_pwater.csv npaA51011_pwater.csv rexA51011_pwater.csv ursA51011_pwater.csv
alfA51037_pwater.csv cidA51037_iwater.csv hvfA51037_pwater.csv lwmA51037_pwater.csv nhoA51037_pwater.csv npaA51037_pwater.csv rexA51037_pwater.csv ursA51037_pwater.csv
ccnA51011_pwater.csv cpdA51011_pwater.csv hwmA51011_pwater.csv nalA51011_pwater.csv nhyA51011_pwater.csv npdA51011_pwater.csv ridA51011_iwater.csv
ccnA51037_pwater.csv cpdA51037_pwater.csv hwmA51037_pwater.csv nalA51037_pwater.csv nhyA51037_pwater.csv npdA51037_pwater.csv ridA51037_iwater.csv
cexA51011_pwater.csv forA51011_pwater.csv hyoA51011_pwater.csv nexA51011_pwater.csv nidA51011_iwater.csv pasA51011_pwater.csv rpdA51011_pwater.csv
cexA51037_pwater.csv forA51037_pwater.csv hyoA51037_pwater.csv nexA51037_pwater.csv nidA51037_iwater.csv pasA51037_pwater.csv rpdA51037_pwater.csv
It is confirmed that all 'iwater' tables came from land uses classified as impervious by this model version, and both the pwater and water csvs were populated with the target data
When trying to run the hsp2 model for the basin: OR4_8120_7890, me and @glenncampagna received errors.
The directory used: /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/
Command used: HSP_VERSION=hsp2;export HSP_VERSION;cbp run_land.csh hsp2_2022 OR4_8120_7890
My error:
Unable to open/create file 'rcnA51770.h5'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/hsp2", line 11, in <module>
load_entry_point('HSPsquared', 'console_scripts', 'hsp2')()
File "/opt/model/HSPsquared/HSP2tools/", line 60, in main
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/mando/", line 208, in __call__
return self.execute(sys.argv[1:])
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/mando/", line 204, in execute
return command(*a)
File "/opt/model/HSPsquared/HSP2tools/", line 24, in run
hdf5_instance = HDF5(hdfname)
File "/opt/model/HSPsquared/HSP2IO/", line 13, in __init__
self._store = pd.HDFStore(file_path)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/io/", line 561, in __init__, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/io/", line 710, in open
self._handle = tables.open_file(self._path, self._mode, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tables/", line 315, in open_file
return File(filename, mode, title, root_uep, filters, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tables/", line 778, in __init__
self._g_new(filename, mode, **params)
File "tables/hdf5extension.pyx", line 492, in tables.hdf5extension.File._g_new
tables.exceptions.HDF5ExtError: HDF5 error back trace
File "H5F.c", line 509, in H5Fopen
unable to open file
File "H5Fint.c", line 1400, in H5F__open
unable to open file
File "H5Fint.c", line 1817, in H5F_open
problems closing file
File "H5Fint.c", line 1279, in H5F__dest
problems closing file
File "H5Faccum.c", line 1070, in H5F__accum_reset
can't flush metadata accumulator
File "H5Faccum.c", line 1033, in H5F__accum_flush
file write failed
File "H5FDint.c", line 258, in H5FD_write
driver write request failed
File "H5FDsec2.c", line 811, in H5FD_sec2_write
file write failed: time = Wed Jul 27 13:23:47 2022
, filename = 'rcnA51770.h5', file descriptor = 3, errno = 28, error message = 'No space left on device', buf = 0x3688118, total write size = 800, bytes this sub-write = 800, bytes actually written = 18446744073709551615, offset = 0
File "H5Fint.c", line 1783, in H5F_open
unable to flush superblock
File "H5Fio.c", line 198, in H5F_flush_tagged_metadata
can't reset accumulator
File "H5Faccum.c", line 1070, in H5F__accum_reset
can't flush metadata accumulator
File "H5Faccum.c", line 1033, in H5F__accum_flush
file write failed
File "H5FDint.c", line 258, in H5FD_write
driver write request failed
File "H5FDsec2.c", line 811, in H5FD_sec2_write
file write failed: time = Wed Jul 27 13:23:47 2022
, filename = 'rcnA51770.h5', file descriptor = 3, errno = 28, error message = 'No space left on device', buf = 0x377bd38, total write size = 96, bytes this sub-write = 96, bytes actually written = 18446744073709551615, offset = 0
This is just one of the multiple similar errors when trying to run it.
HSP_VERSION=hsp2;export HSP_VERSION;cbp run_land.csh hsp2_2022 OR4_8120_7890
, what directory should we be running the model from?
2022-08-02 13:33:02.24 Processing started for file ./; saveall=True
2022-08-02 13:33:02.64 Simulation Start: 1984-01-01 00:00:00, Stop: 2021-01-01 00:00:00
2022-08-02 13:33:02.64 IMPLND I001 DELT(minutes): 60
2022-08-02 13:33:05.91 ATEMP
2022-08-02 13:33:07.37 SNOW
2022-08-02 13:33:09.96 IWATER
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/hsp2", line 11, in <module>
load_entry_point('HSPsquared', 'console_scripts', 'hsp2')()
File "/opt/model/HSPsquared/HSP2tools/", line 60, in main
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/mando/", line 208, in __call__
return self.execute(sys.argv[1:])
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/mando/", line 204, in execute
return command(*a)
File "/opt/model/HSPsquared/HSP2tools/", line 26, in run
hsp2main(io_manager, saveall=saveall, jupyterlab=jupyterlab)
File "/opt/model/HSPsquared/HSP2/", line 209, in main
errors, errmessages = function(io_manager, siminfo, ui, ts)
File "/opt/model/HSPsquared/HSP2/", line 69, in iwater
errors = _iwater_(ui, ts) # run IWATER simulation code
File "/home/rob/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numba/typed/", line 738, in impl
Closing remaining open files:afoA51019.h5...done
mv: preserving permissions for ‘/media/model/p532/out/land/h5/afo/hsp2_2022/afoA51019.h5’: Operation not supported
Exporting IMPLND afo
Rscript /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/run/export/export_hsp_h5.R /media/model/p532/out/land/h5/afo/hsp2_2022/afoA51019.h5 /media/model/p532/out/land/hsp2_2022/iwater/afoA51019_pwater.csv /RESULTS/IMPLND_I001/IWATER/table
Error in H5Dopen(fid, data_source_table) :
HDF5. Dataset. Can't open object.
Execution halted
scenario: Undefined variable.
running cfo for segment A51019 land scenario hsp2_2022
'../../..//config/blank_wdm/land.wdm' -> 'cfoA51019.wdm'
A51019, cfo
1003 reading from wdm
1005 reading from wdm
- We see that the model is trying to run our export R script but is having an error, maybe because of the _pwater export path and iwater data source table? afo is an impervious land use so it should have an iwater table..
- Lastly, using the rhdf5 package we see that some h5 files from the river see have been successfully generated and contain a results group, others are generated but do not contain the results group which we learned means the model hasn't been run yet, and other h5 files seem completely empty. Does this mean the model maybe has only been partially run for this river seg?
Note: h5 files located where we'd expect them to be from the model run led us to believe the model might've already been run all the way through:
/opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/for/hsp2_2022/forA51019.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/cid/hsp2_2022/cidA51019.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/hyo/hsp2_2022/hyoA51019.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/rpd/hsp2_2022/rpdA51019.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/hyw/hsp2_2022/hywA51019.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/nex/hsp2_2022/nexA51019.h5
/opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/afo/hsp2_2022/afoB51023.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/rex/hsp2_2022/rexB51023.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/alf/hsp2_2022/alfB51023.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/lwm/hsp2_2022/lwmB51023.h5
A51019 is the first land segment listed within the river seg, and B51023 is the last (15 total)
2 new R scripts (1 for each main bullet) which accept command arguments are today's goal
[luname][landseg name]_pwater.csv
/media/model/[model version]/out/land/[scenario]/eos/
Rscript HARParchive/HARP-2022-Summer/AutomatedScripts/export_hsp_h5.R /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/for/hsp2_2022/forA51019.h5 /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/for/hsp2_2022/eos/forA51019_pwater.csv /RESULTS/PERLND_P001/PWATER/table
as I believe the directory path has all the other info (scenario, model version, land, ... even has landuse, and therefore I would be open to justA51800.png
if someone wanted to make the case for it).Rscript hsp_pwater.R A51800 hsp2_2022 for /media/model/p532/[more path info here added by analysts]/forA51800.fig.AGWS.png
Rscript HARParchive/HARP-2022-Summer/AutomatedScripts/hsp_pwater.R A51019 hsp2_2022 for /opt/model/p53/p532c-sova/output/hspf/land/out/for/hsp2_2022/eos/forA51019_pwater.csv /media/model/p532/out/land/hsp2_2022/images
Output: constants and graphs successfully exported to VAHydro located at:
to get list to iterate through (see: to data model diagram (from #242):
HSP_VERSION=hsp2;export HSP_VERSION;cbp run_land.csh hsp2_2022 OR4_8120_7890