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Test VAHydro hydrography in cbp/hsp2 #738

Open rburghol opened 1 year ago

rburghol commented 1 year ago


subsheds, cbp-6.1


Workflow for Updating sub-watershed hydrocode during resegmentation.

rburghol commented 1 year ago

York/North Anna

rburghol commented 1 year ago


rburghol commented 1 year ago

All of James:

met_scen=`cbp get_config $scenario land MET` 
#Check the met WDM status:
cbp check_met $met_scen $basin
#Get the prad dataset for the land (or river) simulation of interest
prad_scen=`cbp get_config $scenario land "PRECIP ATMOS DEPOSITION"` 
#Check the met WDM status:
cbp check_prad $prad_scen $basin
# set ENV variables
. hspf_config
# run the land 
segs=`cbp get_landsegs $basin`
read -r scope land_scenario < <(cbp get_config $scenario river "LAND SCENARIO")
for i in $segs; do
  echo "sbatch /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hspf_cbp6 $land_scenario $i auto land "
  sbatch /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hspf_cbp6 $land_scenario $i auto land 
segs=`cbp get_riversegs $basin`
for i in $segs; do
  /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hsp2_cbp6 $scenario $i auto river 
rburghol commented 1 year ago


rburghol commented 1 year ago


rburghol commented 1 year ago

Run the SF Shenandoah River in its entirety. It has not previously completed when ding the PM model?

for i in $segs; do deps=cbp mm_river_deps $scenario $i echo "Segment $i Found deps= $deps" job_name=cbp mm_job_name $scenario $i echo "sbatch --job-name=$job_name $deps /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hsp2_cbp6 $scenario $i auto river" sbatch --job-name=$job_name $deps /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hsp2_cbp6 $scenario $i auto river done

- Zero flow out in `PM1_4252_4250` cause failure.
- See code:

hydr<-read.csv('/media/model/p6/out/river/subsheds/hydr/PM1_4252_4250_hydr.csv') hydr[1:2,]

- initial volume was `10000`, which was outside of the FTABLE `input/param/river/vahydro_2022/HYDR.csv`
- tried setting to `100` (just guessing), and that was waaay into the zero flow part of the ftable.
- Examined ftable and set to 1500, a flow out of about 1-2 cfs: http://deq1.bse.vt.edu:81/p6/vadeq/tmp/uci/river/subsheds/PM1_4252_4250.uci
rburghol commented 1 year ago

Final Potomac.
Fails 3 segments above the fall line: PM1_4250_4500 (Great Falls)

rburghol commented 1 year ago


cbp check_land $scenario $basin
Land segments with at least one LU missing:
N51033 N51097 N51137 N51177 N51101
rburghol commented 1 year ago

Ragged Mountain was lingering (not old model has RM as child of SF reservoir, but that is not correct hydrography (altho it works via remote links), so set this up with actual parentage and will later figure out how to organize those in the final model):

rburghol commented 1 year ago

Sandy River reservoir:

rburghol commented 1 year ago

Swift Creek ( does not get run when running appomattox to segment 0001 )

. hspf_config
# run land
segs=`cbp get_landsegs $basin`
location="p6_vadeq" # crucial to avoid collisions if running multiple installs
read -r scope land_scenario < <(cbp get_config $scenario river "LAND SCENARIO")
for i in $segs; do
  echo "sbatch --job-name=\"$job_name\" /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hspf_cbp6 $land_scenario $i auto land "
  sbatch --job-name="$job_name" /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hspf_cbp6 $land_scenario $i auto land 
# run river
# can now immediately be submitted after submitting land 
# since the dependency ordering works with land and river 
segs=`cbp get_riversegs $basin`
for i in $segs; do
  deps=`cbp mm_river_deps $scenario $i`
  echo "Segment $i Found deps= $deps"
  job_name=`cbp mm_job_name $scenario $i`
  echo "sbatch --job-name=$job_name $deps /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hsp2_cbp6 $scenario $i  auto river"
  sbatch --job-name=$job_name $deps /opt/model/meta_model/run_model hsp2_cbp6 $scenario $i auto river