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Hydrologic Simulation Program Python (HSPsquared)
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Equation evaluation with String Keyed Dict (slow) #42

Closed rburghol closed 1 year ago

rburghol commented 1 year ago

Example equation evaluation test.

Code: String Keyed Operators and Operands

Load code from https://github.com/HARPgroup/openmi-om/blob/master/py/fourFn.py

from numba import njit 

def exec_eqn_pnj(ops, state):
    val1 = state[ops['arg1']]
    val2 = state[ops['arg2']]
    #print("val1 = ", val1, "val2 = ", val2, "op = ", ops[0])
    if ops['op'] == '-':
        result = val1 - val2
        return result # by returning here, we save roughly 45% of the computational time 
    if ops['op'] == '+':
        result = val1 + val2
        return result 
    if ops['op'] == '*':
        result = val1 * val2
        return result         
    return result 

def exec_eqn_pnjopt(ops, state):
    # these 2 retrievals amount to approx. 35% of exec time.
    val1 = state[ops['arg1']]
    val2 = state[ops['arg2']]
    #print("val1 = ", val1, "val2 = ", val2, "op = ", ops[0])
    if ops['op'] == '-':
        result = val1 - val2
    elif ops['op'] == '+':
        result = val1 + val2
    elif ops['op'] == '*':
        result = val1 * val2 
    return result 

def is_float_digit(n: str) -> bool:
         return True
     except ValueError:
         return False

import numpy as np
import time
from numba.typed import Dict
from numpy import zeros
from numba import int8, float32, njit, types    # import the types

# allops is created jere as a Dict, but really it represents the 
# hdf5 structure, which is allowed to mix string and numbers
# this was just created because I am testing and being sloppy
# but this particular structure will NOT make it into any @njit functions
# and thus can be a more flexible type 
allops = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128))
allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/equation"] = "( (1.0 - consumption - unaccounted_losses) * wd_mgd + discharge_from_gw_mgd)"

# we parse the equation during readuci/pre-processing and break it into njit'able pieces
exprStack[:] = []
results = BNF().parseString(allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/equation"], parseAll=True)
ps = []
ep = exprStack
pre_evaluate_stack(ep[:], ps)
# need to translate the constants in the equation to hdf5 variables.
# Ex:
#   ps[0] = ['-', '1.0', 'consumption']
#   1.0 is a constant.  The first constant in the discarge_mgd equation 
#   is 1.0, so we add it to the hdf5 as '_c1'
# since numeric values cannot be in the same Dict as strnigs in numba/njit 
# these go directly into state as well as the hdf5 
# then swap the path out for the value 1.0 
# this can be done during parse UCI time since we have all python
#state = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.float64)
state = Dict.empty(key_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128), value_type=types.float64)
parent_path = "/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001"
object_path = "/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd"
parent_state_path = "/STATE/RCHRES_0001"
state_path = "/STATE/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd"
num_co = 0
ops_path = object_path + "/_ops"
ops_state_path = state_path + "/_ops"
for i in range(0, len(ps) - 1):
    op_name = "_op" + str(i) 
    op_path = ops_path + "/" + op_name 
    op_state_path = ops_state_path + "/" + op_name 
    for j in range(1,3):
        arg_name = "arg" + str(j)
        if ps[i][j] == None: 
            op_str = '_result' # we assume the result from previous step is to be used
            ps[i][j] = '_result' # we assume the result from previous step is to be used
        if is_float_digit(ps[i][j]):
            print(ps[i][j], " is numeric")
            num_co += 1
            co_name = "_c" + str(num_co) 
            # where does the object info reside 
            co_path = op_path + "/" + co_name 
            # where does the numeric value for this reside 
            # this is the value that gets used in the actual njit evaluation functions
            op_state_path = op_state_path + "/" + co_name
            # stash the value here 
            state[op_state_path] = float(ps[i][j])
            op_str = co_name 

            # this is a variable, so we need to get its path 
            # spoofed for now 
            op_str = ps[i][j]
            op_state_path = parent_state_path + "/" + ps[i][j]
        print(op_path + "/" + arg_name + "/path")
        allops[op_path + "/" + arg_name + "/path"] = op_state_path
        allops[op_path + "/" + arg_name] = op_str
    # now set 
    allops[op_path + "/op"] = ps[i][0]


# string functions available to us 
#allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops"] = ps  

# use dict 
import numpy as np

#tpvals = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.float64)
tpvals = Dict.empty(key_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128), value_type=types.float64)
tpops = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128))
tpvals['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_c1'] = 1.0 # constants would be populated during equation parsing, if there were 3 constants in the equation they would be _c1, _c2, and _c3
tpvals['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'] = 0.15 
tpvals['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'] = 0.15 
tpops['op'] = '-'
tpops['arg1'] = '/STATE/RCHRES_0001/Qin/_c1'
tpops['arg2'] = '/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'

exec_eqn_pnj(tpops, tpvals)

atpops = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128))
atpops['op'] = allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/op']
atpops['arg1'] = allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/arg1/path']
atpops['arg2'] = allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/arg2/path']
state['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'] = 0.15 
exec_eqn_pnj(atpops, state)

import time 
def iterate_pnj(atpops, state, steps):
    checksum = 0.0
    for step in range(steps):
        checksum += exec_eqn_pnjopt(atpops, state)
        #checksum += exec_eqn_pnj(atpops, state)
        #exec_eqn_pnj(atpops, state)
    return checksum

steps = 24 * 365 * 40
#steps = 24 * 365 * 1
start = time.time()
num = iterate_pnj(atpops, state,  steps)
end = time.time()
print(end - start, "seconds")
rburghol commented 1 year ago

Scatch pad of dev code

def is_float_digit(n: str) -> bool:
         return True
     except ValueError:
         return False

import numpy as np
import time
from numba.typed import Dict
from numpy import zeros
from numba import int8, float32, njit, types    # import the types

# allops is created here as a Dict, but really it represents the 
# hdf5 structure, which is allowed to mix string and numbers
# this was just created because I am testing and being sloppy
# but this particular structure will NOT make it into any @njit functions
# and thus can be a more flexible type 
allops = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128))
allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/equation"] = "( (1.0 - consumption - unaccounted_losses) * wd_mgd + discharge_from_gw_mgd)"

# we parse the equation during readuci/pre-processing and break it into njit'able pieces
exprStack[:] = []
results = BNF().parseString(allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/equation"], parseAll=True)
ps = []
ep = exprStack
pre_evaluate_stack(ep[:], ps)
# need to translate the constants in the equation to hdf5 variables.
# Ex:
#   ps[0] = ['-', '1.0', 'consumption']
#   1.0 is a constant.  The first constant in the discarge_mgd equation 
#   is 1.0, so we add it to the hdf5 as '_c1'
# since numeric values cannot be in the same Dict as strnigs in numba/njit 
# these go directly into state as well as the hdf5 
# then swap the path out for the value 1.0 
# this can be done during parse UCI time since we have all python
#state = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.float64)
state = Dict.empty(key_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128), value_type=types.float64)
parent_path = "/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001"
object_path = "/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd"
parent_state_path = "/STATE/RCHRES_0001"
state_path = "/STATE/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd"
num_co = 0
ops_path = object_path + "/_ops"
ops_state_path = state_path + "/_ops"
for i in range(0, len(ps) - 1):
    op_name = "_op" + str(i) 
    op_path = ops_path + "/" + op_name 
    op_state_path = ops_state_path + "/" + op_name 
    for j in range(1,3):
        arg_name = "arg" + str(j)
        if ps[i][j] == None: 
            op_str = '_result' # we assume the result from previous step is to be used
            ps[i][j] = '_result' # we assume the result from previous step is to be used
        if is_float_digit(ps[i][j]):
            print(ps[i][j], " is numeric")
            num_co += 1
            co_name = "_c" + str(num_co) 
            # where does the object info reside 
            co_path = op_path + "/" + co_name 
            # where does the numeric value for this reside 
            # this is the value that gets used in the actual njit evaluation functions
            op_state_path = op_state_path + "/" + co_name
            # stash the value here 
            state[op_state_path] = float(ps[i][j])
            op_str = co_name 

            # this is a variable, so we need to get its path 
            # spoofed for now 
            op_str = ps[i][j]
            op_state_path = parent_state_path + "/" + ps[i][j]
        print(op_path + "/" + arg_name + "/path")
        allops[op_path + "/" + arg_name + "/path"] = op_state_path
        allops[op_path + "/" + arg_name] = op_str
    # now set 
    allops[op_path + "/op"] = ps[i][0]


# string functions available to us 
#allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops"] = ps  

# use dict 
import numpy as np

#tpvals = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.float64)
tpvals = Dict.empty(key_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128), value_type=types.float64)
tpops = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128))
tpvals['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_c1'] = 1.0 # constants would be populated during equation parsing, if there were 3 constants in the equation they would be _c1, _c2, and _c3
tpvals['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'] = 0.15 
tpvals['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'] = 0.15 
tpops['op'] = '-'
tpops['arg1'] = '/STATE/RCHRES_0001/Qin/_c1'
tpops['arg2'] = '/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'

exec_eqn_pnj(tpops, tpvals)

atpops = Dict.empty(key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.UnicodeCharSeq(128))
atpops['op'] = allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/op']
atpops['arg1'] = allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/arg1/path']
atpops['arg2'] = allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/arg2/path']
state['/STATE/RCHRES_0001/consumption'] = 0.15 
exec_eqn_pnj(atpops, state)

import time 
def iterate_pnj(atpops, state, steps):
    checksum = 0.0
    for step in range(steps):
        checksum += exec_eqn_pnjopt(atpops, state)
        #checksum += exec_eqn_pnj(atpops, state)
        #exec_eqn_pnj(atpops, state)
    return checksum

steps = 24 * 365 * 40
#steps = 24 * 365 * 1
start = time.time()
num = iterate_pnj(atpops, state,  steps)
end = time.time()
print(end - start, "seconds")

def iterate_num(atpop, atpops, state, steps):
    checksum = 0.0
    for step in range(steps):
        checksum += exec_eqn_num(atpop, atpops, state)
    return checksum

# manually set an opnum = 1 (-) for testing 
allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/opnum'] = "1"
atpop = int(allops['/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op0/opnum'])
start = time.time()
num = iterate_num(atpop, atpops, state, steps)
end = time.time()
print(end - start, "seconds")

def exec_eqn_nall(op_tokens, state_ix):
    # these 2 retrievals amount to approx. 35% of exec time.
    # allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_s_index"] = 1 
    # allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_num_ops"] = 1 
    # allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op1/opi"] = 1 # 1: subtract, 2: add, 3: mult, 4: div 
    # allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op1/arg1/s_index"] = 2 # pointer to state array
    # allops["/OBJECTS/RCHRES_0001/discharge_mgd/_ops/_op1/arg2/s_index"] = 3 # pointer to state array
    # state_ix[2] = 0.15 # CU fraction state 
    # op_tokens # Executable configs index these by the state_ix variable key which is the global ID, _s_index
    # op_tokens[1] = [1, 1, 2, 3] # [ op class (1 = eqn, 2=list), op type (1-4 for math), arg1 state id, arg2 state id]
    op_class = op_tokens[0] # we actually will use this in the calling function, which will decide what 
                      # next level function to use 
    # todo: see if skipping this temp variable op, val1, val2 setting saves time 
    #op = op_tokens[1]
    #val1 = state_ix[op_tokens[2]]
    #val2 = state_ix[op_tokens[3]]
    result = 0
    #print("val1 = ", val1, "val2 = ", val2, "op = ", ops[0])
    #if op == 1:
    if op_tokens[1] == 1:
        #result = val1 - val2
        result = state_ix[op_tokens[2]] - state_ix[op_tokens[3]]
    #elif op == 2:
    elif op_tokens[1] == 2:
        #result = val1 + val2
        result = state_ix[op_tokens[2]] + state_ix[op_tokens[3]]
    #elif op == 3:
    elif op_tokens[1] == 3:
        #result = val1 * val2 
        result = state_ix[op_tokens[2]] * state_ix[op_tokens[3]] 
    return result 

op_tokens = Dict.empty(key_type=types.int64, value_type=types.i8[:])
op_tokens[1] = np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 3], dtype="i8")
op_tokens[2] = np.asarray([1, 2, 2, 3], dtype="i8")

state_ix = Dict.empty(key_type=types.int64, value_type=types.float64)
state_ix[2] = 1.0 # value of the variable constant from the equation for discharge_mgd 
state_ix[3] = 0.15 # the value of the variable "consumption" 

exec_eqn_nall(op_tokens[1], state_ix)

def iterate_nall(op_tokens, state_ix, steps):
    checksum = 0.0
    for step in range(steps):
        state_ix[1] = exec_eqn_nall(op_tokens[1], state_ix)
        checksum += state_ix[1]
        #val = exec_eqn_nall(op_tokens[1], state_ix)
        #state_ix[1] = val
        #checksum += val
    return checksum

start = time.time()
num = iterate_nall(op_tokens, state_ix, steps)
end = time.time()
print(end - start, "seconds")

for i in op_tokens.keys():

# now add simple lookup support 
def specl_lookup(data_table, keyval, lutype, valcol):
    if lutype == 2: #stair-step
        idx = (data_table[:, 0][0:][(data_table[:, 0][0:]- keyval) <= 0]).argmax()
        luval = data_table[:, valcol][0:][idx]
    elif lutype == 1: # interpolate
        luval = np.interp(keyval,data_table[:, 0][0:], data_table[:, valcol][0:])

    # show value at tis point
    return luval

def exec_tbl_eval(op, state_ix, dict_ix):
    ix = op[1]
    dix = op[2]
    mx_type = op[3] # not used yet, what type of table?  in past this was always 1-d or 2-d 
    key1_ix = op[4]
    #print("ix, dict_ix, mx_type, key1_ix", ix, dix, mx_type, key1_ix)
    lutype = op[5]
    valcol = op[8]
    data_table = dict_ix[dix]
    keyval = state_ix[key1_ix]
    #print("Key, ltype, val", keyval, lutype, valcol)
    result = specl_lookup(data_table, keyval, lutype, valcol)
    return result

# load source from openmi-om/py/XdataMatrix.class.py 
# this is state ix var 3 
# doing a lookup table (like FTABLE) where we are given an arbitrary key column in a table and an arb value 
#     column and we want the output to be the interpolated in the value column according to the key column 
# op is form: op_type, state_ix, dict_ix, mx_type (not used yet), key1_ix, key1_lu_type, key2_ix, key2_lu_type, val_col 
op_tokens[3] = np.asarray([2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, 2], dtype="i8") # need to think long and hard about these required tokens
#     notes: 
#            - dict_ix key is NOT always the same as the state_ix key 
#              since we may allow a "matrix accessor" to perform a lookup on another table 
#            - val_col is only used if this is a matrix_accessor and the lookup is a single column 
state_ix[3] = 0.0 # the state var for this matrix accessor (since it is an ftable style lookup)
state_ix[4] = 0.0
# create a psuedo state variable for the storage in the ftable
state_ix[5] = 200000.0
dict_ix = Dict.empty(key_type=types.int64, value_type=types.float32[:,:])
dict_ix[4] = XdataMatrix.parseMatrix("[ [ 0.0, 170.0, 0], [195200.0, 240.0, 8890.6], [204252.8, 241.0, 9301.5], [213736.0, 242.0, 9712.5] ]")

specl_lookup(dict_ix[4], 200000, 2, 2)
exec_tbl_eval(op_tokens[3], state_ix, dict_ix)

def iterate_all_nall(op_tokens, state_ix, dict_ix, steps):
    checksum = 0.0
    for step in range(steps):
        for i in op_tokens.keys():
            if op_tokens[i][0] == 1:
                state_ix[i] = exec_eqn_nall(op_tokens[i], state_ix)
            elif op_tokens[i][0] == 2:
                state_ix[i] = exec_tbl_eval(op_tokens[i], state_ix, dict_ix)
            checksum += state_ix[i]
    return checksum

start = time.time()
num = iterate_all_nall(op_tokens, state_ix, dict_ix, steps)
end = time.time()
print(end - start, "seconds")