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Hydrologic Simulation Program Python (HSPsquared)
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Add timeseries/other DSN access to STATE/specl #60

Open rburghol opened 1 year ago

rburghol commented 1 year ago

1st Draft

def load_sim_ts(f, state_ix, ts_ix): tsq = f['TIMESERIES/'] # f is the hdf5 file

this code replicates a piece of the function of get_timeseries, and loads the full timeseries into a Dict

the dict will be keyed by a simple integer, and have values at the time step only. The actual time

at that step will be contained in ts_ts

ts_tables = list(tsq.keys()) for i in ts_tables: if i == 'SUMMARY': continue # skip this non-numeric table var_path = '/TIMESERIES/' + i ix = set_state(state_ix, state_paths, var_path, 0.0) ts_ix[ix] = np.asarray(tsq[i]['table']['values'], dtype="float32")

### Standalone

import os import h5py import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.io.pytables import read_hdf from collections import defaultdict from pandas import DataFrame, read_hdf, HDFStore from numba.typed import Dict

now load HSP2 stuff

import HSP2.utilities import HSP2IO from HSP2IO.hdf import HDF5 from HSP2IO.io import IOManager

os.chdir('C:/usr/local/home/git/HSPsquared/') fpath = 'C:/Workspace/modeling/cbp/hsp2/river/PM7_4581_4580.h5'

close the already opened file first if we are re-running


f = h5py.File(fpath,'a') # use mode 'a' which allows read, write, modify dset = f['TIMESERIES/TS011/table']

Try this, transform(ts, name, how, siminfo)

name = 'NA' since this should only be used if we don't give a how

how = 'SAME', means just resample - I think this is good for a Quantity, maybe not rate?

hdf5_instance = HDF5(fpath) io_manager = IOManager(hdf5_instance) uci_obj = io_manager.read_uci() siminfo = uci_obj.siminfo

note, siminfo delt is specific to each module being run (or is potentially varying)

so it is NOT set at first read of UCI, rather, set by "operation"

delt = time step in minutes

siminfo['delt'] = 60

hsp2 adds tindex and computes steps based on start/stop and delt for each sequence

siminfo['tindex'] = date_range(siminfo['start'], siminfo['stop'], freq=Minute(siminfo['delt']))[1:] siminfo['steps'] = len(siminfo['tindex'])

dset from direct grab of the table path does not work (see above)

using method from HSP2IO/hdf.py

dstore = pd.HDFStore(fpath) dset = read_hdf(dstore, '/TIMESERIES/TS011/') t = transform(dset, 'NA', 'SAME', siminfo)

the same can be achieved directly using the hdf5_instance: (note Category is set somewhere in the loaded hsp2 modules)

ts10 = hdf5_instance.read_ts(Category.INPUTS, None, "TS010")

same can be achieved with a direct call to the io_manager:

ts10 = io_manager.read_ts(Category.INPUTS, None, "TS010")

rburghol commented 1 year ago

Import a ts and transform into step indexed, timestep uniform data frame.

import os

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
from pandas import DataFrame, read_hdf, HDFStore
from numba.typed import Dict
# now load HSP2 stuff
#import HSP2.utilities # note: we need to import this first, otherwise we get errors with HSP2IO.io and HSPFIO.hdf 
from HSP2.utilities import * # need this to access transform, tho maybe more pointed imports would suffice
import HSP2IO
from HSP2IO.hdf import HDF5
from HSP2IO.io import IOManager, SupportsReadTS, Category

fpath = 'C:/Workspace/modeling/cbp/hsp2/river/PM7_4581_4580.h5' 
# Load simulation info 
hdf5_instance = HDF5(fpath)
io_manager = IOManager(hdf5_instance)
uci_obj = io_manager.read_uci()
siminfo = uci_obj.siminfo
# note, siminfo delt is specific to each module being run (or is potentially varying)
# so it is NOT set at first read of UCI, rather, set by "operation"
# delt = time step in minutes
siminfo['delt'] = 60
siminfo['tindex'] = date_range(siminfo['start'], siminfo['stop'], freq=Minute(siminfo['delt']))[1:]
siminfo['steps'] = len(siminfo['tindex'])

# close the already opened file first if we are re-running
# f.close()
f = h5py.File(fpath,'a') # use mode 'a' which allows read, write, modify
dset = f['TIMESERIES/TS011/table']

# Try this, transform(ts, name, how, siminfo)
# name = 'NA' since this should only be used if we don't give a `how`
# how = 'SAME', which means just resample - I think this is good for a Quantity, maybe not rate?
ts10 = io_manager.read_ts(Category.INPUTS, None, "TS010")
t = transform(ts10, 'NA', 'SAME', siminfo)
rburghol commented 7 months ago

Work session 12/26/2023

dc = uci_obj.specactions['ACTIONS'] for ix in dc.index:

add the items to the state['model_data'] dict

speca = dc[ix:(ix+1)]
print("row", ix, "keys:", speca.keys())
# need to add a name attribute
opname = 'SPEC' + 'ACTION' + str(ix)
state['model_data'][opname] = {}
opname = 'SPEC' + 'ACTION' + str(ix)
state['model_data'][opname]['name'] = opname
for ik in speca.keys(): 
    # this extracts the data from the data frame to the model_data dict
    state['model_data'][opname][ik] = speca.to_dict()[ik][ix]
rburghol commented 1 week ago

Time series writers, i.e, used for logging, may not be included in the domain dependency list, so we need a way of saying "also, run anything that depends on the STATE value of things that are running in the current domain". Example, O2 = withdrawal in cfs, and we may wish to log the original value, before HSP2 decides whether or not there is sufficient water available.

# get the deps for our reach that influence O2 and O3 (withdrawals in our CBP template)
dep_list = model_domain_dependencies(state, '/STATE/JL1_6562_6560/RCHRES_R001', ['O2', 'O3'])
# returns: [44, 45, 48, 49, 43, 47, 4]
# now, find anything that is linked to state for anything WITHIN this dep_list
all_deps = model_input_dependencies(state, dep_list)