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Land Segment WDM Runoff Export #59

Closed rburghol closed 2 years ago

rburghol commented 2 years ago

Export WDM files to text readable by vahydro database

rburghol commented 2 years ago

Testing with James River. Did p6 run (completed OK through ETM).

segs=`cbp get_landsegs JL6_6890_6990`
for i in $segs; do 
  Rscript /opt/model/p6/gb604b/run/export/wdm_export_flow.R CFBASE30Y20180615_vadeq $i 1984 2020 /media/model/p6 /opt/model/p6/gb604b
ls /media/model/p6/out/land/CFBASE30Y20180615_vadeq/eos/ -lhrt
total 2.4G
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 291M Mar 11 12:09 H51125_0111-0211-0411.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 296M Mar 11 12:12 N51003_0111-0211-0411.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 310M Mar 11 12:16 N51125_0111-0211-0411.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 317M Mar 11 12:19 H51009_0111-0211-0411.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 294M Mar 11 12:23 N51009_0111-0211-0411.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 294M Mar 11 12:27 N51011_0111-0211-0411.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 302M Mar 11 12:30 N51031_0111-0211-0411.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rob rob 303M Mar 11 12:34 L51163_0111-0211-0411.csv
rburghol commented 2 years ago

Import for Rockfish River and test run

cd /opt/model/om/sh
for i in H51125 N51003 N51125; do
  ./create_landseg_table.sh $i CFBASE30Y20180615_vadeq p6
rburghol commented 2 years ago

Import for James River at fall line in RVA and test run