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Troubleshooting Empty run log #490

Open rburghol opened 1 year ago

rburghol commented 1 year ago

Sometime a model will return an empty log file, or a log file will have gaps in it. The most common cause is bad SQL table column definition, either, trying to log a string to a numeric column, or trying to log a number to a column that was guess as "varchar(1)" due to a null value at first time step. 9 out of 10 times this is due to a problem with dataMatrix variables, since they are the only entity that can have multiple evaluation types, that is, the column values could be a string, or a variable reference, or a numeric value, and the default value type is "auto", which means the system guesses... which is a design flaw that has only recently come to light as such (and will be eliminated in the new python version of the model).

Finding it

Common Causes

Re-Creating the Error in psql CMD line

SQL 1: Logfile for SQL definition of element 219133

create TEMP table "tmp219133_047_datalog" ( "local_impoundment_Qin" float8 , "local_impoundment_evap_mgd" float8 , "local_impoundment_Qout" float8 , "local_impoundment_lake_elev" float8 , "local_impoundment_Storage" float8 , "local_impoundment_refill_full_mgd" float8 , "local_impoundment_demand" float8 , "local_impoundment_use_remain_mg" float8 , "local_impoundment_days_remaining" float8 , "local_impoundment_max_usable" float8 , "local_impoundment_riser_stage" float8 , "local_impoundment_riser_head" float8 , "local_impoundment_riser_mode" varchar(32) , "local_impoundment_riser_flow" float8 , "local_impoundment_riser_diameter" float8 , "local_impoundment_demand_met_mgd" float8 , "local_impoundment_its" float8 , "local_impoundment_spill" float8 , "local_impoundment_release" float8 , "local_impoundment_area" float8 , "local_impoundment_refill" float8 , "run_mode" float8 , "Qriver" float8 , "wd_last_mgd" float8 , "ps_last_mgd" float8 , "lake_elev" float8 , "drought_status" float8 , "pct_full" float8 , "rejected_demand_pct" float8 , "impoundment_use_remain_mg" float8 , "Qreach" float8 , "Qriver_up" float8 , "Runit" float8 , "precip_in" float8 , "et_in" float8 , "reach_area_sqmi" float8 , "flowby_current" float8 , "release_proposed" float8 , "name" varchar(85) , "description" varchar(1) , "componentid" varchar(128) , "subshedid" varchar(128) , "dt" float8 , "month" float8 , "day" float8 , "year" float8 , "jday" float8 , "thisdate" date , "time" timestamp , "timestamp" bigint , "modays" bigint , "flow_mode" float8 , "season" varchar(8) , "wd_mgd" float8 , "discharge_mgd" float8 , "consumption" float8 , "current_mgy" float8 , "future_mgd" float8 , "safe_yield_mgy" float8 , "safe_yield" float8 , "current_mgd" float8 , "unaccounted_losses" float8 , "fac_demand_mgd" float8 , "fac_current_mgy" float8 , "riverseg_frac" float8 , "wsp2020_2040_mgy" float8 , "wsp2020_2020_mgy" float8 , "vwp_exempt_mgd" float8 , "wsp2020_2030_mgy" float8 , "available_mgd" float8 , "max_mgd" float8 , "adj_demand_mgd" float8 , "drought_response_enabled" float8 , "unmet_demand_mgd" float8 , "Qintake" float8 , "gw_frac" float8 , "sw_frac" float8 , "gw_sw_factor" float8 , "gw_demand_mgd" float8 , "discharge_from_gw_mgd" float8 , "ustabe_future_mgd" float8 , "safeyield_mgd" float8 , "vwp_prop_max_mgy" float8 , "vwp_prop_max_mgd" float8 , "vwp_prop_base_mgd" float8 , "vwp_prop_demand_mgd" float8 , "vwp_max_mgy" float8 , "vwp_max_mgd" float8 , "vwp_base_mgd" float8 , "vwp_demand_mgd" float8 , "permit_status" varchar(64) , "flowby_proposed" float8 , "flowby_historic" float8 , "mif_monthly" float8 , "refill_max_mgd" float8 , "scenario" varchar(64) , "reports" varchar(64) , "local_area_sqmi" float8 , "local_flow_cfs" float8 , "refill_available_mgd" float8 , "refill_pump_mgd" float8 , "refill_plus_demand" float8 , "zero" float8 , "imp_enabled" float8 , "wd_net_mgd" float8 , "release_current" float8 , "release_historic" float8 , "week" float8 , "historic_annual" varchar(1) , "Send to Parent" varchar(1) , "Listen on Parent" varchar(1) , "flowby" float8 , "historic_monthly_pct" float8 , "current_monthly_discharge" varchar(1) , "ps_enabled" float8 , "fac_demand_mgy" float8 , "base_demand_mgd" float8 , "drought_pct" float8 , "base_demand_pstatus_mgd" float8 , "local_impoundment" varchar(1) , "mif_monthly_gage" float8 , "release" float8 )

SQL 2: Find a specific data error using fgrep, ex: fgrep 219133 logfile.model_scratch |grep '2008-12-30'.

2023-05-19 00:52:32.289 UTC [279764] STATEMENT: insert into "tmp219133_047_datalog" ( "local_impoundment_evap_mgd" , "local_impoundment_Qout" , "local_impoundment_lake_elev" , "local_impoundment_Storage" , "local_impoundment_refill_full_mgd" , "local_impoundment_demand" , "local_impoundment_use_remain_mg" , "local_impoundment_days_remaining" , "local_impoundment_max_usable" , "local_impoundment_riser_stage" , "local_impoundment_riser_head" , "local_impoundment_riser_mode" , "local_impoundment_riser_flow" , "local_impoundment_riser_diameter" , "local_impoundment_demand_met_mgd" , "local_impoundment_its" , "local_impoundment_spill" , "local_impoundment_release" , "local_impoundment_area" , "local_impoundment_refill" , "local_impoundment_Qin" , "run_mode" , "Qriver" , "wd_last_mgd" , "ps_last_mgd" , "lake_elev" , "drought_status" , "pct_full" , "rejected_demand_pct" , "impoundment_use_remain_mg" , "Qreach" , "Qriver_up" , "Runit" , "precip_in" , "et_in" , "reach_area_sqmi" , "flowby_current" , "release_proposed" , "thisdate" , "month" , "day" , "year" , "jday" , "week" , "timestamp" , "modays" , "flow_mode" , "historic_annual" , "wd_mgd" , "Send to Parent" , "Listen on Parent" , "discharge_mgd" , "flowby" , "historic_monthly_pct" , "consumption" , "current_monthly_discharge" , "current_mgy" , "future_mgd" , "safe_yield_mgy" , "safe_yield" , "current_mgd" , "ps_enabled" , "fac_demand_mgy" , "unaccounted_losses" , "fac_demand_mgd" , "fac_current_mgy" , "riverseg_frac" , "wsp2020_2040_mgy" , "wsp2020_2020_mgy" , "vwp_exempt_mgd" , "wsp2020_2030_mgy" , "available_mgd" , "base_demand_mgd" , "max_mgd" , "adj_demand_mgd" , "drought_pct" , "drought_response_enabled" , "unmet_demand_mgd" , "Qintake" , "gw_frac" , "sw_frac" , "gw_sw_factor" , "gw_demand_mgd" , "discharge_from_gw_mgd" , "ustabe_future_mgd" , "safeyield_mgd" , "base_demand_pstatus_mgd" , "vwp_prop_max_mgy" , "vwp_prop_max_mgd" , "vwp_prop_base_mgd" , "vwp_prop_demand_mgd" , "vwp_max_mgy" , "vwp_max_mgd" , "vwp_base_mgd" , "vwp_demand_mgd" , "permit_status" , "flowby_proposed" , "flowby_historic" , "local_impoundment" , "mif_monthly_gage" , "mif_monthly" , "refill_max_mgd" , "scenario" , "reports" , "local_area_sqmi" , "local_flow_cfs" , "refill_available_mgd" , "refill_pump_mgd" , "refill_plus_demand" , "zero" , "imp_enabled" , "wd_net_mgd" , "release" , "release_current" , "release_historic" ) values ( 0,0,'10','54',0,'0','12.99674267101',0,'39.9',NULL,NULL,'',NULL,NULL,'0',NULL,0,'0','5','0','0','4','78.201660174277',0,'3.4395084617573','10',0,'1',0,'293.15960912052','78.201660174277','13.848868314636',0,0,0,0,'10.321282798834','0','2008-12-30','12','30','2008','364','01','1230613200','31','3','13','0','','','0','10.321282798834','0.0000','1','','0','0.079999999999999','20.64','0','0','1','0','0','0','2.6666666666667','0','0','0','0.079999999999999','0','12.99674267101','0','0','0','0','1','0','23.054530051479','0','1','0','0','0','0','0.079999999999999','0','29.2','0.288','0','0','29.2','0.288','0','0','reissue','20.749077046331','10.321282798834','','6.2','10.321282798834','0.288','vahydro-1.0','Custom information for automated assembly of CIA reports.','0','0','8.2309290579476','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0')