Currently there are 4 ways that come to my mind to get the needed information:
Manualy create the tokens in Moodle and save them in a custom Database-Table (Later a Rest-API call for each student is made)
make mariadb-SQL calls to get the needed Information out of the Moodle DB from our Backend and send it to the frontend
Give Moodle the functionality to also create a Token on student-login (if they do not have a token) and send it to our Backend
Change the Frontend login, so that the user has to use his credentials without oauth. That way we could create the REST-Tokens ourselves and save it in our DB
There is a REST-Call core_completion_get_activities_completion_status, that returns the done status of a course for a specific userid. That way we could give our backend a Moodle-admin user and send all the statements from our backend for each individual user.
User Story
As a User i want to see the status of an Learning Element (Done Status in Moodle)
Acceptance criteria
[ ] Done Status is fetched out of Moodle (Rest API in Moodle)
[ ] Display that an Learning Element is Done (Be it an Icon or any other form of visualisation)
Definition of Ready
[ ] User Story is small enough for Sprint
[ ] User Story is clearly understandable for everyone involved
[ ] User Story effort is estimated
[ ] User Story has acceptance criteria
[ ] User Story has added value for the product or development
[ ] User Story origin is known (stakeholder)
[ ] User Story is assigned to Release
[ ] Backend and Frontend are cloned from GitHub and Running locally
[ ] Basic knowledge of the backend and frontend architecture
[ ] Activity diagram (or sequence diagram) screenshot in issue
Definition of Done