HASwitchPlate / HASPone

DIY LCD touchscreen for Home Automation
MIT License
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Screen has no display but still responding to touch #192

Closed mattster98 closed 2 years ago

mattster98 commented 2 years ago

I moved the unit into a new triple cover plate. It was a little snug to get the display into the plate but nothing crazy. After reassembling and powering up the system is up, on network, responding to touch, but nothing on the display other than backlight.

Wondering if there is any troubleshooting for what I may have broken or just need to replace the display.

aderusha commented 2 years ago

Your best bet will be to pull the thing open, remove the PCB from the mount to pull the board out of the rear enclosure, and then hook up to the USB port. This will let you grab some debug logs that should tell you what is going on: https://github.com/HASwitchPlate/HASPone/wiki/Capture-HASPone-debug-output

If you can post the log results somewhere where we can take a look, we might be able to work out a solution together.