HASwitchPlate / HASPone

DIY LCD touchscreen for Home Automation
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'fgcolor' is undefined in hasp_Display_Dimmer_with_Icon.yaml #220

Open SylvainGa opened 1 year ago

SylvainGa commented 1 year ago

Hi, running 2022.12.8 (but had it with 2022.12.0 as well, hence why I updated). When starting Home Assistant, I'm seeing this for every dimmer button configured with HASPone automation.

2022-12-21 20:45:45.482 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'fgcolor' is undefined when rendering '["delay=1","xstr {{xpos}},{{ypos}},{{iconwidth}},{{iconheight}},{{iconfont}},{{fgcolor}},0,1,1,3,\"{{icon}}\"","delay=1","vis {{dimmerbutton}},1"]'

SylvainGa commented 1 year ago

Hi, I ran

sudo sed -i 's/fgcolor/selectedfg/g' hasp_Display_Dimmer_with_Icon.yaml

and I don't see any side effect, beside the removal of the warning in the log file. Is this an acceptable fix?