HASwitchPlate / HASPone

DIY LCD touchscreen for Home Automation
MIT License
414 stars 46 forks source link

Bme680 max4490 #228

Closed miloit closed 1 year ago

aderusha commented 1 year ago

I know that you've closed this but I suspect that there might be more coming and I want to jump in here before you spend too many cycles on it.

First, the switch to LittleFS means that a firmware upgrade is going to blow away the existing filesystem for users who are already on SPIFFS. This is the reason I continue to use SPIFFS as there is no migration path, and the new functionality from LittleFS isn't meaningful to the project as there is only one function where things are written to flash and it's pretty well fenced.

Second, I'm really trying to avoid the "kitchen sink" approach here where code is added to the main project to support external sensor devices. I really dig what you're trying to do with the additional sensors, but I'm already struggling to keep this codebase performant and functioning and as a result, I'd like to defer on any commits focused on adding more devices to the project. I'd strongly recommend ESPhome as an alternative for the "kitchen sink" tool as it's a much better fit for that sort of approach.

Again, I really dig that you're working on the project and appreciate the effort!