HASwitchPlate / openHASP-custom-component

Home Assistant custom component for openHASP
MIT License
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Delay between HA and openHASP can cause loops when not using groupid #69

Closed Stupco closed 1 year ago

Stupco commented 2 years ago

Perform all steps below and tick them with [x]

Describe the bug

When turning on the light, the command is sent from the plate to HA to turn on the light. If you are using the openHASP custom component to set state values for buttons, they can sometimes lag out and cause small loops.

  1. Use plate to turn on light, MQTT message to HA, button state changes.
  2. HA sees that the light is OFF, so sets button state to OFF, triggering another MQTT message.
  3. HA receives the ON command, turns on light, sets button state to ON.

This causes the light to flicker a few times, until it finds a normalised states. Unfortunately it can finally decide to settle in the OFF state, so it is impossible to turn lights on and keep on using the plate in production with this bug. Usually a reset of the plate (remove from wall and reconnect) can resolve this. Will usually occur a few days later.

To Reproduce

I think this could potentially be caused by a delay caused in WiFi messages and MAY be more pronounced the further your plate is away from the WiFi router. Provide a small, independent code sample that can be used to reproduce the issue. Format the code like this:

{"comment":" ----------- Light Button ------------"}
{"page":1,"id":2,"obj":"btn","x":5,"y":40,"w":73,"h":73,"toggle":true,"text":"\uE335","text_font":40,"align":1,"shadow_color":"#000000","shadow_width": 16,"shadow_ofs_y":2, "shadow_ofs_x":2}
{"page":1,"id":3,"obj":"slider","x":94,"y":65,"w":126,"h":20, "min":0,"max":255, "opacity": 255,"shadow_color":"#000000","shadow_width": 16,"shadow_ofs_y":2, "shadow_ofs_x":2}
{"page":1,"id":4,"obj":"btn","x":5,"y":40,"w":230,"h":73,"toggle":false,"text":"\uE335","text_font":40,"align":1,"hidden":true, "click":false,"shadow_color":"#000000","shadow_width": 16,"shadow_ofs_y":2, "shadow_ofs_x":2}
      - obj: "p1b2" #light toggle button
          "val": '{{ 1 if states("light.b1_lights") == "on" else 0 }}'
          "text": '{{ "\uE6E8" if is_state("light.b1_lights", "on") else "\uE335" | e }}'
            - service: light.toggle
                brightness: '{{ states("input_number.b1_lights") }}'
                entity_id: light.b1_lights
      - obj: "p1b3" #slider
          "val": '{{ states("input_number.b1_lights") }}'
          "opacity": '{{ "255" if is_state("light.b1_lights", "on") else "150" | e }}'
            - service: input_number.set_value
                entity_id: input_number.b1_lights
                value: "{{ val }}"
            - service: light.turn_on
                brightness: "{{ val }}"
                entity_id: light.b1_lights
      - obj: "p1b4" #HIDER
          "hidden": '{{ true if states("light.b1_lights") == "on" else false }}'
          "click": '{{ false if states("light.b1_lights") == "on" else true }}'
            - service: light.toggle
                brightness: '{{ states("input_number.b1_lights") }}'
                entity_id: light.b1_lights

Telnet Logs: Logs.txt

Expected behavior

Lights to not flicker and to turn on.

Noting that the use of GROUPID will remove this issue (I will start to update my jsonl pages), unfortunately until the last brightness is passed through (issue:99) the lights turn on at full brightness which is not a great solution for production use cases.

Screenshots or video


Stupco commented 2 years ago

Updated with telnet logs.

fvanroie commented 2 years ago

I think this needs to be looked at from the HA / CC side... there is a ton of repeated commands sent to the plate. So that's why it is acting erratic.

dgomes commented 2 years ago

Please provide HA logs with:

    custom_components.openhasp: debug