Open nickrout opened 4 months ago
The page says
The ESP32-3248S035 boards all come with an integrated ESP32-S3 chip, 16 MB flash and 8 MB PSRAM
But further down, in the table it says no PSRAM, and in the body below it says
ESP32 Modules have no PSram and are less suitable for loading fonts, and graphics
Not sure which is right or I would PR it. Pretty sure there is no psram, based on this
From what I have seen:
Also noted that the image for the case is not being displayed correctly. A corrupted file perhaps ? The version in the git repository looks OK.
The page says
But further down, in the table it says no PSRAM, and in the body below it says
Not sure which is right or I would PR it. Pretty sure there is no psram, based on this