HAuser1234 / homeassistant-local-weather-forecast

Homeassistant local weather forecast. ~90% accurate*
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
21 stars 7 forks source link

Not a feature but side discussion #2

Open vingerha opened 1 year ago

vingerha commented 1 year ago

Hi, we havd quite a few back/forth on the HA forum. I finally received my sensor for pressure so need to find some time to embed this in something other than a esp + sensor without box. Without this, I still use the pressure as providedd by Netatmo and in 90% of the cases it predics 30% rain chance for the next period which (as mentioned before) has no value is along the 'boy who cried wolf' (I hope you get the analogy) I would very much like to know where and how you (!) benefit from this, how much better is it then the regular predictions? My interest remains as local predictions suck where I live