HCBravoLab / metagenomeSeq

Statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing
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[cumNormStatFast] Error: Warning sample with one or zero features #60

Closed jolespin closed 6 years ago

jolespin commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to follow a slight variant of the tutorial to get started from ~ page 9: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/metagenomeSeq/inst/doc/metagenomeSeq.pdf

Essentially, I need to figure out how to go from: (A) my raw Otu counts; and (B) my "class" assignment (e.g. diseased, healthy) to get (C) differentially abundant Otus.

I'm starting with the built in dataset lungData but I'm getting an error when I'm calculating the normalization factors.

I've made sure there are no empty features (Otus) or empty samples. I've documented my code heavily to serve as a tutorial in case anyone needs to learn how to use the pipeline.

I'm looking at the source code and this is the condition my data is breaking:

    mat = returnAppropriateObj(obj, FALSE, FALSE)
    smat = lapply(1:ncol(mat), function(i) {
        sort(mat[which(mat[, i] > 0), i], decreasing = TRUE)
    leng = max(sapply(smat, length))
    if (any(sapply(smat, length) == 1)) 
        stop("Warning sample with one or zero features")

Here is my code:

# Load packages

# Paths
path_datadirectory = system.file("extdata", package = "metagenomeSeq")

# Load in counts data
count_data = loadMeta(file.path(path_datadirectory, "CHK_NAME.otus.count.csv"))
dim(count_data$counts) # [1] 1000   78
names(count_data) # [1] "counts" "taxa"
class(count_data$counts) # [1] "data.frame"

# Load taxonomy data
df_taxonomy = read.delim(file.path(path_datadirectory, "CHK_otus.taxonomy.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dim(df_taxonomy) # [1] 1000   10
# [1] "OTU"          "Taxonomy"     "superkingdom" "phylum"       "class"        "order"        "family"       "genus"       
# [9] "species"      "strain"   

# Loading metadata
df_metadata = loadPhenoData(file.path(path_datadirectory, "CHK_clinical.csv"), tran = TRUE)
idx_samples_from_counts = colnames(count_data$counts)
idx_samples_from_metadata = rownames(df_metadata)
idx_samples = intersect(idx_samples_from_counts, idx_samples_from_metadata)

# Reorder
count_data$counts = count_data$counts[,idx_samples]
df_metadata = df_metadata[idx_samples,]
print(all.equal(rownames(df_metadata), colnames(count_data$counts))) # [1] TRUE

# Annotated DataFrames
Adf_metadata = AnnotatedDataFrame(df_metadata)
# An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
# rowNames: CHK_6467_E3B11_BRONCH2_PREWASH_V1V2 CHK_6467_E3B11_OW_V1V2 ... CHK_6467_E3B09_BAL_A_V1V2 (78 total)
# varLabels: SampleType SiteSampled SmokingStatus
# varMetadata: labelDescription
Adf_taxonomy = AnnotatedDataFrame(df_taxonomy)
# An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
# rowNames: 1 2 ... 1000 (1000 total)
# varLabels: OTU Taxonomy ... strain (10 total)
# varMetadata: labelDescription
obj = newMRexperiment(
# MRexperiment (storageMode: environment)
# assayData: 1000 features, 78 samples 
# element names: counts 
# protocolData: none
# phenoData
# sampleNames: CHK_6467_E3B11_BRONCH2_PREWASH_V1V2 CHK_6467_E3B11_OW_V1V2 ... CHK_6467_E3B09_BAL_A_V1V2 (78 total)
# varLabels: SampleType SiteSampled SmokingStatus
# varMetadata: labelDescription
# featureData
# featureNames: 1 2 ... 1000 (1000 total)
# fvarLabels: OTU Taxonomy ... strain (10 total)
# fvarMetadata: labelDescription
# experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
# Annotation:

# Filter
idx_features_f = which(rowSums(obj) >= 10)
idx_samples_f = which(colSums(obj) > 0)
obj_f = obj[idx_features_f, idx_samples_f]
# MRexperiment (storageMode: environment)
# assayData: 12 features, 57 samples 
# element names: counts 
# protocolData: none
# phenoData
# sampleNames: CHK_6467_E3B11_OW_V1V2 CHK_6467_E3B08_OW_V1V2 ... CHK_6467_E3B09_BAL_A_V1V2 (57 total)
# varLabels: SampleType SiteSampled SmokingStatus
# varMetadata: labelDescription
# featureData
# featureNames: 77 79 ... 978 (12 total)
# fvarLabels: OTU Taxonomy ... strain (10 total)
# fvarMetadata: labelDescription
# experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
# Annotation:

# Dimensionality
n_samples = ncol(obj_f)
n_features = nrow(obj_f)
library_size = libSize(obj_f) # `libSize(obj)`` is the same as `colSums(count_data$counts)``

# Normalization
p = cumNormStatFast(obj_f)

# Error in cumNormStatFast(obj_f) : 
#   Warning sample with one or zero features
jnpaulson commented 6 years ago

Hi - re-running your code it highlights that there are indeed 32 samples without any positive OTUs. cumNormStat and cumNormStatFast will not work if there are no positive OTUs.

sum(colSums(obj_f)==0) [1] 32

jolespin commented 6 years ago

Shouldn't idx_samples_f = which(colSums(obj) > 0) make sure that only samples with a library size greater than 0 ?

Like on page 10: image

jnpaulson commented 6 years ago

It's your ordering. You're calculating the column sums on pre-filtered data.