HCJung-jbnu / ROMS-TOPAZ

ROMS + TOPAZ coupling
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ROMS-BIO 기본 정보 #13

Closed HCJung-jbnu closed 1 year ago

HCJung-jbnu commented 1 year ago

ROMS info

mod_scalars.F dt

get_state.F diag. init -> topaz

tile = myrank

ROMS vertical nk 1=bottom, N(ng)=top

dzt = Hz ! Ocean layer thickness (meters)

- ocean mixed layer depth 계산

hblt_depth = mxl_depth(i,j) rho_ref(i,j) = rho(i,j,UBk) z_r(i,j,k) = rho point depth z_w(i,j,UBk) = w point depth mxl_blev : mixed layer bottom level ! find the real mxl with linear interpolation DO j=Jstr,Jend DO i=Istr,Iend

! IF ( mxl_blev(i,j) > 1) THEN ! this would be the depth if we consider all the level mxl_depth(i,j) = FM(i,j,mxl_blev(i,j))

      ! we approach the real mixed later depth with linear interp between
      ! vertical levels
      !drho_crit = rho_ref(i,j) + rho_crit - rho(i,j,mxl_blev(i,j)+1)

! mxl_subgrid(i,j) = drho_crit * & ! & ( ( z_w(i,j,mxl_blev(i,j)+1) - z_w(i,j,mxl_blev(i,j)) ) / & ! & max( rho(i,j,mxl_blev(i,j)) - rho(i,j,mxl_blev(i,j)+1), 1.0e-9 ) )

      ! mixed layer depth is then shallower than depth of the bottom level

! mxl_depth(i,j) = FM(i,j,mxl_blev(i,j)) - mxl_subgrid(i,j) ! ! ELSE ! mxl_depth(i,j) = h(i,j) ! ENDIF



rho_ref(i,j) = rho(i,j,UBk) z_r(i,j,k) = rho point depth z_w(i,j,UBk) = w point depth mxl_blev : mixed layer bottom level

Hz Thicknesses (m) of vertical RHO-points. h Bottom depth (m) at RHO-points. omn RHO-grid area (meters2). ! z_r Actual depths (m) at horizontal RHO-points and ! ! vertical RHO-points. ! ! z_w Actual depths (m) at horizontal RHO-points and ! ! vertical W-points.
decayW u10_neutral Pair Surface air pressure (mb).
! Uwind Surface wind in the XI-direction (m/s) at ! ! horizontal RHO-points. ! ! Vwind Surface wind in the ETA-direction (m/s) at ! ! horizontal RHO-points.

HCJung-jbnu commented 1 year ago

BIO source/sink 이슈

HCJung-jbnu commented 1 year ago

연직 이슈

HCJung-jbnu commented 1 year ago

shortwave radiation 단위 이슈

!  Set incoming solar shortwave radiation (degC m/s).  Usually, the
!  shortwave radiation from input files is Watts/m2 and then converted
!  to degC m/s by multiplying by conversion factor 1/(rho0*Cp) during
!  reading (Fscale). However, we are already inside ROMS kernel here
!  and all the fluxes are kinematic so shortwave radiation units need
!  to be degC m/s.
#ifdef ISOMIP
        real(dp) :: Cp = 3974.0_r8              ! mod (4/24/06) for ICETEST
        real(dp) :: Cp = 3985.0_r8              ! Joules/kg/degC
!  Mean density (Kg/m3) used when the Boussinesq approximation is
!  inferred.
        real(dp) :: rho0 = 1025.0_dp

        Fscale(idSrad,ng)=cff*Fscale(idSrad,ng) = 2.448205159592374E-007