HCJung-jbnu / ROMS-TOPAZ

ROMS + TOPAZ coupling
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ROMS-TOPAZ diagnostic 2d, 3d 변수 배열 등록 및 write 모듈 등록 #19

Closed HyunChaeJung closed 1 year ago

HyunChaeJung commented 1 year ago
HyunChaeJung commented 1 year ago
HyunChaeJung commented 1 year ago
HyunChaeJung commented 1 year ago
HCJung-jbnu commented 1 year ago

Dout(iIRRM) == T !Irradiance Memory mol/kg Dout(iHTTL) == T !H+ ion Concentration mol/kg Dout(iSBTF) == T !SiO2 flux to Sediments mol/kg Dout(iPBTF) == T !P flux to Sediments mol/kg Dout(iNBTF) == T !N flux to Sediments mol/kg Dout(iLBTF) == T !Lith flux to Sediments mol/kg Dout(iCCBF) == T !Calcite flux to Sediments mol/kg Dout(iCABF) == T !Aragonite flux to Sediments mol/kg Dout(iCION) == T !Carbonate ion Concentration mol/kg Dout(iCHL_) == T !Chlorophyll Concentration mol/kg Dout(iCASD) == T !Sediment CaCO3 mol/kg

Dout(iCOAL) == T !Solubility of CO2 for air mol/kg/atm Dout(iCOSC) == T !Schmidt number for CO2 none Dout(iCOCS) == T !Ocean surface gas concentration of CO2 mol/kg Dout(iO2AL) == T !Solubility of O2 for air mol/kg/atm Dout(iO2SC) == T !Schmidt number for O2 none Dout(iO2CS) == T !Ocean surface gas concentration of O2 mol/kg