HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE / domino-online-meeting-integration

Integration for HCL Notes with online meeting provider services. Documentation available at https://opensource.hcltechsw.com/domino-online-meeting-integration/
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG]Error 1208 : Failed to create an Object #158

Closed yvderlet closed 2 years ago

yvderlet commented 2 years ago

HCL Product Version 11.01FP or 12.01

Describe the bug The user create a new meeting and click on Onlime Meeting Webex....

Error Message Error : 1208 : Failed to create an Object

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. log.zip

yvderlet commented 2 years ago

@spanky762 have you idea ?

spanky762 commented 2 years ago

I suspect this is due to the same reason as #44 and #72, which I kind of explain in my final comment to #121. I think (although due to other critically pressing issues I have not been able to test) that the problem is rooted in a authorization token failure occurring, but not being interpreted as a failure -which then causes the automatic refresh token logic to not trigger, which then throws the "failed to create an object" exception.

I am hoping to be able to look into this later today or early next week and walk the code to identify where the failure is actually happening -and hopefully be able to provide a workaround to production.

spanky762 commented 2 years ago

Also, as you are using 12.0.1FP1, can you please open an official support ticket so the production team is "officially" aware of this issue?

@INeedCaffeine I will let you know as soon as I figure something out, but would like to chat with you about this.

spanky762 commented 2 years ago

Hello @yvderlet!

I have reviewed (stepped through testing) the current 12.0.1 FP 1 code.

When an SSL connection failure occurs the failure information is written to the log and the exception is cleared (via a Resume ExitPoint call). The calling code does not receive back a valid target NotesJSONNavigator (because in this case the SSL connection failure carries no valid JSON), and throws the "Failed to Create an Object" exception.

The code seems to be working correctly and as designed.

Please take a look at these KB articles to help you resolve the SSL / Proxy issue.

If you are still having problems after following the the KB articles, please open a support ticket, as this is a 12.0.1 (Production) issue.

Hope this helps!

yvderlet commented 2 years ago


We are using Notes 12.01 FP1 with Mail 11 template.

I already opened a case to HCL and as it is a Mail 11, they do not investigate....

In this case, I have only 1 user that has this problem... I will investigate further to find the proxy settings...

But I have the same issue when I create a calendar entry based from a mail (I take a mail --> Copy into New Calendar...

And get the same error 1208.

In template v12, HCL solve the problem with the following ini parameter : DOMI_Do_not_send_agenda=1

I will prepare a Mail 12 template for preparing the migration, but I create this bug as you may have someone that has the same issue.

Thank you

INeedCaffeine commented 2 years ago

@yvderlet : Try the 12.01 client and template together and see if it still happens.

The DOMI_Do_not_send_agenda INI setting only affects if DOMI sends the meeting agenda to the online service for displaying on their portal pages. It has no effect on DOMI being able to properly authenticate with the service using the OAuth tokens it has.