HDFGroup / HDF.PInvoke

Raw HDF5 Power for .NET
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HDF5 + ML.NET ? #141

Closed dotChris90 closed 5 years ago

dotChris90 commented 6 years ago

Hello HDF5 Team!,

I follow you for Long time and find your work, your ideas extrem great.

I just want to let you know : there is a new Framework out there and I write you at C# part (not C++) because it is from Microsoft .NET 👍 The Name is "ML.NET". Microsoft released 0.1.0 some days ago and it is like Spark or Sci-Kit. But this is not all. Microsoft plan to integrate Tensorflow, CNTK and Accord.NET. So it's an awesome time to be .NET developer. ;)

I opened an issue at ML.NET also ;) https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/issues/98 It is early stages but HDF5 is a modern and great Format with a lot of optimistical and great workers so just want to inform you.

More over Microsoft develop a Framework called Blazor (not Razor, yes Blazor like Browser + Razor). It runs C# instead of Javascript on Client side. I strongly belive Blazor + Plotly.js + Electron.NET --> HDFViewer without Java Need. :D

An other hint : Powershell + HDF5 + ML.NET = great idea ;)

thanks for your time and have a good week.