HDFGroup / h5pyd

h5py distributed - Python client library for HDF Rest API
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modification of the apps functions #90

Open untereiner opened 4 years ago

untereiner commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am using h5pyd in a higher-level program. The logic implemented in the so called apps is interesting. I think they would be useful as functions that take parameters to be reused in other programms. What do you think ? Here a listed the two main modifications I think must be done:

I can contribute via a PR if you are interested.

MRossol commented 4 years ago

@untereiner I started to convert the hsload app to OOP which might be similar to what you are suggesting. My efforts are attached if you want to use it in your PR (I'd also be happy to help/contribute). hsload.py.zip

jreadey commented 4 years ago

@untereiner - this sounds like a great idea for refactoring the code in _apps. Looking forward to a PR.

One challenge we've had with the apps is that there are no test codes, so it's easy for regressions to slip in. If the refactor made it easier to write test cases, so much the better.

untereiner commented 4 years ago

Thank you both ! @MRossol I will look into your work! @jreadey I will try to refactor in a way to simplify the test suite writing