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Fix test_rank0 in mfhdf tests #699

Open derobins opened 3 months ago

derobins commented 3 months ago

This test is broken and should be fixed

Testing hdftest 
hdftest  Test Log
Testing create/read/write compressed datasets (tcomp.c)                PASSED
Testing create/read/write chunked datasets (tchunk.c)                  PASSED
Testing reading of netCDF file using the SDxxx interface (tnetcdf.c)   PASSED
Testing functionality of dimensions (tdim.c)                           PASSED
Testing functions involving empty data sets (temptySDSs.c)             PASSED
Testing various setting attribute features (tattributes.c)             PASSED
Testing getting data size of special data (tdatasizes.c)               PASSED
Testing getting location info of data (tdatainfo.c)                    PASSED
Testing getting location info of attr and annot data (tattdatainfo.c)  PASSED
Testing a mix of SD, V, and VS functions (tmixed_apis.c)               PASSED
Testing miscellaneous file related functions (tfile.c)                 PASSED
Testing several APIs with SDS having rank = 0 (trank0.c)              *** UNEXPECTED VALUE from test_rank0:SDwritedata is 0 at line  108 in ../../../hdf4/mfhdf/test/trank0.c
Testing various SDS' properties (tsdsprops.c)                          PASSED
Testing various coordinate variable features (tcoordvar.c)             PASSED
Testing external file functions (texternal.c)                          PASSED
Testing szip compression for datasets (tszip.c)                        PASSED
Testing SDstart for file with no write permission (tsd.c)              PASSED
*** HDF-SD test fails ***