HDFGroup / hsds

Cloud-native, service based access to HDF data
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Wrong root id with dataset post #7

Closed jreadey closed 5 years ago

jreadey commented 7 years ago

This sequence:

  1. Create domain
  2. Post dataset with link to root
  3. Delete domain
  4. Create domain
  5. Post dataset with link to root

Results in the response of the last POST having the root id of the original domain.

jreadey commented 7 years ago


$ curl -X PUT -u test_user1:test --header "Host: /home/test_user1/test_file" {"created": 1505328375.5647395, "root": "g-d26ac838-98b3-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009", "lastModified": 1505328375.5647395, "acls": {"test_user1": {"delete": true, "read": true, "update": true, "create": true, "updateACL": true, "readACL": true}, "default": {"delete": false, "read": true, "update": false, "create": false, "updateACL": false, "readACL": false}}, "owner": "test_user1"}(py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ (py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ (py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ curl -X POST -u test_user1:test --header "Host: /home/test_user1/test_file" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"shape\": 10, \"type\": \"H5T_IEEE_F32LE\", \"link\": { \"id\": \"g-d26ac838-98b3-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009\", \"name\": \"new_dset\" } }" curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 5101: Connection refused (py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ curl -X POST -u test_user1:test --header "Host: /home/test_user1/test_file" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"shape\": 10, \"type\": \"H5T_IEEE_F32LE\", \"link\": { \"id\": \"g-d26ac838-98b3-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009\", \"name\": \"new_dset\" } }" {"id": "d-1bc23eee-98b4-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009", "lastModified": 1505328498, "type": {"base": "H5T_IEEE_F32LE", "class": "H5T_FLOAT"}, "created": 1505328498, "root": "g-d26ac838-98b3-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009", "attributeCount": 0, "shape": {"dims": [10], "class": "H5S_SIMPLE"}}(py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ (py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ hsdel -u test_user1 -p test /home/test_user1/test_file (py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ curl -X PUT -u test_user1:test --header "Host: /home/test_user1/test_file" {"created": 1505328713.8524508, "root": "g-9c0e7ff4-98b4-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009", "lastModified": 1505328713.8524508, "acls": {"test_user1": {"delete": true, "read": true, "update": true, "create": true, "updateACL": true, "readACL": true}, "default": {"delete": false, "read": true, "update": false, "create": false, "updateACL": false, "readACL": false}}, "owner": "test_user1"}(py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ (py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ (py35)Cardinal:~ jreadey$ curl -X POST -u test_user1:test --header "Host: /home/test_user1/test_file" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"shape\": 10, \"type\": \"H5T_IEEE_F32LE\", \"link\": { \"id\": \"g-9c0e7ff4-98b4-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009\", \"name\": \"new_dset\" } }" {"id": "d-b5244ba4-98b4-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009", "lastModified": 1505328755, "type": {"base": "H5T_IEEE_F32LE", "class": "H5T_FLOAT"}, "created": 1505328755, "root": "g-d26ac838-98b3-11e7-be6a-0242ac110009", "attributeCount": 0, "shape": {"dims": [10], "class": "H5S_SIMPLE"}}

jreadey commented 5 years ago

This is no longer an issue.
Tested with the following cmds:

curl -X PUT -u test_user1:test  http://hsds.hdf.test/?domain=/home/test_user1/test_file

curl -X POST -u test_user1:test  --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"shape\": 10, \"type\": \"H5T_IEEE_F32LE\", \"link\": { \"id\": \"g-6c313c54-d7a6a1ab-e4b9-b4dc5f-2e2923\", \"name\": \"new_dset\" } }" http://hsds.hdf.test/datasets?domain=/home/test_user1/test_file

hsrm /home/test_user1/test_file

And then re putting the domain followed by reposting the dataset. The dataset has the root id of the new domain.