HDFGroup / vol-rest

HDF5 REST VOL Connector
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Support HTTP requests with data larger than 100mb #16

Closed jreadey closed 1 year ago

jreadey commented 1 year ago

Currently very large read and writes will fail if it's larger than than the default 100mb request size limit in HSDS. Take advantage of the HSDS streaming feature to get around this.

ron-kuhn commented 1 year ago

@jreadey, FYI... I was have problems writing 1920x1080x16bit images (significantly < 100mb) to a HSDS dataset using vol-rest. I decrease the size of the images to 192x108x16bits and it worked. Didn't investigate further.

ron-kuhn commented 1 year ago

@jreadey, can you tell me where you are on this issue? I had to decrease the size of my image (shown above) to get this to work. This is OK for my work but I need to be able to support real images from the instrument. Is compression supported? Currently, my chunk size is one image.

ron-kuhn commented 1 year ago

@jreadey, I turned on debug for CURL in vol-rest and got the following during the PUT of the pixel data

PUT /datasets/d-810209f2-7efe76ec-795d-858051-3ed3a3/value?select=[0:1:1,0:1:1,0:1080:1,0:1920:1] HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:5101 Authorization: Basic ZG9yYS1hZG1pbjpkb3JhMTIzNA== User-Agent: libhdf5/1.14.0 (Windows; HDF5 REST VOL v1.0.0) Accept: / X-Hdf-domain: /cell_data/20230412_195343_w0000p0000f0000.imgh5 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Length: 4147200

mattjala commented 1 year ago

After #26, the VOL should support arbitrarily large read/writes. It's likely that the bad behavior above 64kb was the source of @ron-kuhn's issue with large images.