HDI-Project / ATM

Auto Tune Models - A multi-tenant, multi-data system for automated machine learning (model selection and tuning).
MIT License
525 stars 141 forks source link

Fails to call atm = ATM()? #159

Open Alla-Abdella opened 4 years ago

Alla-Abdella commented 4 years ago
OperationalError                          Traceback (most recent call last)
/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in _execute_context(self, dialect, constructor, statement, parameters, *args)
   1248                     self.dialect.do_execute(
-> 1249                         cursor, statement, parameters, context
   1250                     )

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py in do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context)
    579     def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
--> 580         cursor.execute(statement, parameters)

OperationalError: database is locked

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

OperationalError                          Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-141-90878e6be8ba> in <module>
      4 from atm import ATM
----> 5 atm = ATM()

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/atm/core.py in __init__(self, dialect, database, username, password, host, port, query, access_key, secret_key, s3_bucket, s3_folder, models_dir, metrics_dir, verbose_metrics)
     51     ):
---> 53         self.db = Database(dialect, database, username, host, port, query)
     54         self.aws_access_key = access_key
     55         self.aws_secret_key = secret_key

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/atm/database.py in __init__(self, dialect, database, username, password, host, port, query)
    100         # create ORM objects for the tables
--> 101         self._define_tables()
    103     def _define_tables(self):

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/atm/database.py in _define_tables(self)
    506         self.Classifier = Classifier
--> 508         Base.metadata.create_all(bind=self.engine)
    510     # ##########################################################################

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/schema.py in create_all(self, bind, tables, checkfirst)
   4302             bind = _bind_or_error(self)
   4303         bind._run_visitor(
-> 4304             ddl.SchemaGenerator, self, checkfirst=checkfirst, tables=tables
   4305         )

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in _run_visitor(self, visitorcallable, element, connection, **kwargs)
   2044     ):
   2045         with self._optional_conn_ctx_manager(connection) as conn:
-> 2046             conn._run_visitor(visitorcallable, element, **kwargs)
   2048     class _trans_ctx(object):

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in _run_visitor(self, visitorcallable, element, **kwargs)
   1614     def _run_visitor(self, visitorcallable, element, **kwargs):
-> 1615         visitorcallable(self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single(element)

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py in traverse_single(self, obj, **kw)
    136             meth = getattr(v, "visit_%s" % obj.__visit_name__, None)
    137             if meth:
--> 138                 return meth(obj, **kw)
    140     def iterate(self, obj):

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/ddl.py in visit_metadata(self, metadata)
    779                     create_ok=True,
    780                     include_foreign_key_constraints=fkcs,
--> 781                     _is_metadata_operation=True,
    782                 )
    783             else:

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py in traverse_single(self, obj, **kw)
    136             meth = getattr(v, "visit_%s" % obj.__visit_name__, None)
    137             if meth:
--> 138                 return meth(obj, **kw)
    140     def iterate(self, obj):

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/ddl.py in visit_table(self, table, create_ok, include_foreign_key_constraints, _is_metadata_operation)
    824                 table,
    825                 include_foreign_key_constraints=  # noqa
--> 826                     include_foreign_key_constraints,
    827             )
    828             # fmt: on

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in execute(self, object_, *multiparams, **params)
    986             raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(object_)
    987         else:
--> 988             return meth(self, multiparams, params)
    990     def _execute_function(self, func, multiparams, params):

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/ddl.py in _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params)
     71     def _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params):
---> 72         return connection._execute_ddl(self, multiparams, params)
     74     def execute(self, bind=None, target=None):

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in _execute_ddl(self, ddl, multiparams, params)
   1048             compiled,
   1049             None,
-> 1050             compiled,
   1051         )
   1052         if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in _execute_context(self, dialect, constructor, statement, parameters, *args)
   1251         except BaseException as e:
   1252             self._handle_dbapi_exception(
-> 1253                 e, statement, parameters, cursor, context
   1254             )

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in _handle_dbapi_exception(self, e, statement, parameters, cursor, context)
   1471                 util.raise_from_cause(newraise, exc_info)
   1472             elif should_wrap:
-> 1473                 util.raise_from_cause(sqlalchemy_exception, exc_info)
   1474             else:
   1475                 util.reraise(*exc_info)

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/compat.py in raise_from_cause(exception, exc_info)
    396     exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = exc_info
    397     cause = exc_value if exc_value is not exception else None
--> 398     reraise(type(exception), exception, tb=exc_tb, cause=cause)

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/compat.py in reraise(tp, value, tb, cause)
    150             value.__cause__ = cause
    151         if value.__traceback__ is not tb:
--> 152             raise value.with_traceback(tb)
    153         raise value

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in _execute_context(self, dialect, constructor, statement, parameters, *args)
   1247                 if not evt_handled:
   1248                     self.dialect.do_execute(
-> 1249                         cursor, statement, parameters, context
   1250                     )
   1251         except BaseException as e:

/anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py in do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context)
    579     def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
--> 580         cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
    582     def do_execute_no_params(self, cursor, statement, context=None):

OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) database is locked
CREATE TABLE datasets (
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, 
    class_column VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, 
    train_path VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, 
    test_path VARCHAR(200), 
    description VARCHAR(1000), 
    n_examples INTEGER NOT NULL, 
    k_classes INTEGER NOT NULL, 
    d_features INTEGER NOT NULL, 
    majority NUMERIC(10, 9) NOT NULL, 
    size_kb INTEGER NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

(Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/e3q8)
micahjsmith commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting! Can you tell us what you were trying to do and share additional information that might help us reproduce this issue?

Alla-Abdella commented 4 years ago

@micahjsmith I first: pip install atm And then tr to use your example to get started. But, the error is what I get after install the atm successfully.

Requirement already satisfied: atm in /anaconda/envs/azureml_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages (0.2.2)

Alla-Abdella commented 4 years ago

This command doesn't work too: atm download_demo pollution_1.csv Here is your example: https://hdi-project.github.io/ATM/readme.html#get-the-demo-data

Alla-Abdella commented 4 years ago

or this one:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 1 import atm ----> 2 results = atm.run(train_path='https://atm-data.s3.amazonaws.com/pollution_1.csv') AttributeError: module 'atm' has no attribute 'run'
micahjsmith commented 4 years ago

I have transferred the issue as it does not related to ATMSeer

melissadale commented 3 years ago

If this helps anybody else who is struggling, I have used ATM on and off for a few years now. Running from PowerShell or Ubuntu for Windows on windows works sometimes, other times not (currently not). I am able to reliably run through PyCharm (I know - I know, using IDE's isn't for everybody).

These are the steps that work for me to get ATM to run on my Windows10 machines:

  1. New PyCharm project with a Conda virtual env
  2. Using the terminal within PyCharm, run pip install atm
  3. Create python file with the example code
from atm import ATM

atm = ATM()
# Assuming you have the CSV in the same directory as your python file:
results = atm.run(train_path='./pollution_1.csv')